Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
TIie S,niet A•N~4•• te A.. t,.lie, D, Nlblel S..,ibY, Jeltet4ei wol!•4 wp H efficiel ,itit te lti1ku, 4o,,1.. wliicl, loe - tlle .,,..i.,, Mr ljelk!>-Pcte•ae•, ........, tep le,tl 1•••,._. efficlel1. I • .... tint eateue<I l • t,,.iow ti•"" to •• Aw1treliea Mw1pe,-,, Dr ktlNriko• telke4 te G&.INN MOAI°fi8i'ii;Niti s · Excellency is a grandad • • • De • plte the oll•lou1 differ• ence1 between the So•let An1bo1• aodor to Auatralla, HI• Excel– lency, Dr Nikolai G. SoudtrlkH, ancl the Premier of Queensland the ltt, Hon. Johannes IJelke– Peter • en, it 1houlcl be repofted that both men ho,e at leolt two thing• In common. Neither wlll answer any question which la not manifestly In their ln– Lercst Lo answer and both are greal fans or the Sunshine Stnle. 1"he term.~ or any "dlllcu~slon" wllh Dr Soudarlkov were mnde per• fecUy clear by orrlclals Crom the Stule Oovernment protbcol doparl• men!. before the Telegraph was ush– ered Into the Ambuaador·a pres– ence; there was to be no mention or subJecta auch as . mtasllca, nuclcnr war. Poland or Arghanlatan, Seated at the lnter1•lew table, Dr Soudarlkov'a official Interpreter, In• troduced aa I11or. explained 'that HI• Excellency would prefer Just lo speak from the heart. Whnt followed was a to-minute monologue from the bulky, 200 cm, Ambnll&ador, 87. on Queensland and Ila people, delivered In a rich Slnvtc baritone from aomewbere between hi• heu.vlly•Jldder eyes and ma.sslve Jowls, But, after the monologue while t protocol otrlclal wu handlnK ovor Dr Soudarlkov·a offlelal biograph)' (Born 1813, married with t\'I0 daughter a, pu.rtlclpaled In the Great Patriotic War, Dr or Laws nt Moacow UnlVerslty, and ao on).,tJ1e Interview unexpectedly kicked ll)tO ure. Spenklnir so faat that his Inter• preter could hardly. keep up wtli1 him. Dr Boudu.rll<ov said excitedly: "The only thing I 0411 odd le tlml (the biography) ls that I ha1·e I.WO granddaughters 11•ho hn\'e come here aged 6 years old and 10 years old. e Nothing but praise "The elder one came here on hor own. From Moscow, wit.bout her mRmii or papa, but with our 1111s• 11lvlni:s. Both are enjoytn~ lhoh· stny and one Is attending school." He beamed. "They were asking to go lo Lhe clLY ot Brisbane nnd to lake them wlLh me. But. -one, ahe cnme only three dRl'S befone my t.rl11, so t ro•. mlsed to bring lhem next time. This morning I hnve spoken lo them o,·er the telephone, so I promised Io pnss their best 11•lshes on lb the ct\y or Brisbone nnd nll the 1>eo11tc I meet here.'" His E,<cellcncy chuckled with el'l• ctent. plensure nt U1e thought, nnJ sucldcnly the stern face or RllllHln ~s It usually hna been presented Le 1111P- ....TrfflUtH 01 Tht Forblddtn ii~y 0 M9,u,,e:::1~:d t;!r~l•,•c::~ 5pm. Frld • Y 1oam•IPffl1,,\.hird•• 1oam 0 Spm, Sunday ~,m-1,m: latllbltlon or Pottl,Y by Jffl Glb• ,on. Bolton GllltfY, WtdnHdlY to Sttr.trday 11em,7pm; Chlldrlft'I tto1ter and Short s1ory l • hlbltlon, AdMtlts Centre, City Hall, Tuel• day to Saturday: Ptlntlngt and Drawings by Ktth Wtlktr, Com• munftY Art.I G.llllfY, TuffdlY to Saturdn 1oam-5pm: sr:clal httl• bltlon by Tay hk Ko and Tan • Ju•Y Lff, Glllo,HY Glllttlff, ,,,. day 11am, 10.l0Pffl, Slturd•t ~:wJ:'"~,sctr.•u~:u~:~~~uo:.:i l'lau, Monday to SalurdlY 1l1m• 5pm. was lrnnsrormed Into U nL or a 11roud grnndfnther. And thUL wns u l'ery hunrnn thins. ll I• not on record whnl Mr BJelke-Pelcrxcn thought or o,· Sou– durtkov, when they meL on Mo11dn,1·. But. the Soviet dlplomoL hod noih– lng buL prolsc for the 11nt1-socl11llsl Premier. The ;·tender8hlp or the state", ns Dr Souclnrikov Insist.eel on coiling Mr BJelke•Pctcrsen, wns to be com– plimented ror Its long perspecLh·e In considering the future of Queens• land. Although his mceLlnss with the Premier, Deputy-Premier, Dr Ed– wards and members or the Cnblnct and Stale Pnrllomenl hnd "quite nnturully not been very long", Dr Soudnrlkov described them as "very Important". "We dlcln't spend tlme·on sharing com11llments." Dr Soudnrlkov said. "Our discussions were In a business– like form. The main and most Im• portant thing I will remember for quite a lone time about the Slnle or Queenslnnd 11nd the city or Bris– bane and the leuderahlp or the state, Mr BJelke•Petersen, la that he la looking Into n long perspective.'' Dr Soudarlkov nlao was run or admiration tor Mr BJetke-Petersen·s declared ambition to mnke Queens– land Australia's richest and most powerrul slate, · "Of course," Dr Soudnrlkov said, with the merest trace or a smile, ''the greatest richness of Queens– land Is the people. We consider the people to be the main constructive and productive tlnrt as the people aro the creators of nil mnterlnl and splrltunl richness. • 'Lust for peace' "It seems to us that the citizens· or the state and of Brisbane are grent patriots of their st.nte and cnpll.al and love It very much. The people who are llvlni: here were telling us thn t the Stnte or Queens– land ls tnklng more and more people from other states. Th1s ls u good factor and pro1·es th11t the slate will t>rOSJlCJ' 11nd Its population wlll be lncrenstng." •·or o,·eryone we hnvc mot II seems thnt no-one wants to lenvo lhts 1>lace,'' suld Dr Soudnrlkov. This statement. brought lnughler lrom f.J\C cver-(lresebt protocol orrt– einls - perhap.• In memory or the thousands of pollttcnl and rellgtous dissidents foiling -1\'er thcmseh·cs to eel out or Russin. Po1>ulotlon growt,h seemed lo he one or Dr Soud1trlkov·s major prc– ocr11pnt.Jons. ''In coses where you nsk people how mnny chllrh·cn they lu11·c In the family, mostly it Is one or two,'' he said. "There could be more be– cause there 11rc great opportunities hore. Once nguln T stress lhal the cltli.ons or Queensland lo1•e their stntc. "Whcrc, 1 cr we wenl und whcrc\'er we hnd conversations \\'O felt that the citizens or the state nnd the lcnderahlp wnnt to 11,·e and work In a pencerul, constructlre u.tmor.phcre. We felt the great lust for pence," uld His Excellency. "And we rett U1e crent hatred to war,'' he said, ,.,hlch revealnd thal he had 11e1·or attended a Blnle of Origin rugby league match at Lnn11 Park. , While Dr Soudarlkov stressed he wns not. In Quecnslnnd to sli:n uny s110clrtc c ontrncts or u.ccords, he said In general his aim was to foster · expanding trcde between Queens- land and Rusola. • His Excellency sold: "We require some rorms or production that are being produced here In Queensland. We are buying wheat In Auatralln, and parllcularly Quccnelund, quite a big seale.'' Pr _SQ.udJrlkov dlcL®UllliJM>91 £ •·edit to Queensland'•-•~cl!.llYr.11Lll): ..s t. I l u I~ !U •• ; the University of QueenDland, 11•hleh he d8!11lrlbed 11 ver)' ramous, and ,l_hc;.St.turt.Qll· Jery, which, to the llkel1..cml!am111· inent. or protocol omelall.JJ_U Jni on..exhlbltlon rrOIJI the [®, the People's Re(!ubllcotl The significance of be Coast, which la on'the AmblSlador's Itinerary today, was al10 not Joat on . Dr Boudarlkov. On leafln1 through a · special presentation book about Queensland, he 1>0ln~ excl~IY with a nurry or "da, da.'da'a" (yea, yes, yea) Le a pholc or ·a l>lklnl 11lrl, Bia final compliment waa re• served for 'the "order" or BrlabanCI, due In no amall part to Mr BJelkJI•\ • Petersen'a controverslnl march lawa - another aspect or the Queensland Premier they would prob11bly •P· pro,-e or In Ruasla. . __3;,,,, .9J. ,f,,r/4A-t~nN' A"TT-' CHE EM OA'iSV OF THE U 5 $ . ~ C.t.N DERRA, ACT. PHONE !il!5 9 0 33 LIGHTS OUT A •• SMAS·H! Seven traffic accidents oecurred In the city In the 31 hours to 10 a,m. police aald to– day. Police nltrtbuled nil sevea accidents Le the h ackouL or traffic lights at In• terscctlons. Three of the accidents re5ulted In minor Injuries. Traffic police would again be on cnll lo cope with tra ffi c co11gcs1lon In the nfternoon peak pcl'lod. " "'~n• s a ~ oor. £:..tlfA O n 01 Nl\ l1V A."'10 PLl'!:NIPO f f.:~ t " O F" lHE USS~ T O t..U S T n .-. Ll 4
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