Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
THE COURIER-MAIL - 41 A $50,000,000 EXPERIENCE. From behind the Great Wall comes an ,_..,... I art collection never before seen in the l'----,,l~r,t...--~~-•-·,.1wes1ern world. Paimings rich in mys1ery and folklore. Discover the mysteries behind every beau1ifui scene. ATTHE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY. JUNE 2'to JULY'l9. 1 Admission: $3 Adults $2 Children & pensioners $9.90 Family ticket , I · ' Opening hours: 10 am-S pm Mon.-Sat. Fridays till 9 pm Sundays 2-5 pm Last admission 30 minutes before advertised dosing times. liiir furlher i~formation contact the Queensland Art Gallery, 5th Floor. MlM Building, 160 Ann Street, Brisbane. (07) 229 2138. Sponsored by (1)8HP The Big Australian Ar1'al!&ed by the International occoo,~ Cultural Corporation of Australia Ltd. An emergency generator to aupply power IO maintain temP,rature and hllmldlty for a t&0 million art exhibi– tion tn, Brllbane, wu brought from Amberley RAAP bue yesterday. The 100 11&lntlnll of the "~se Palnttn1s or the Ming and Qlr,e Dy– naatles" were aealed Inside the Queens• land. Art Oollery In Ann Street on Wednelday night, The 1allery waa cloeed 3-eaterday and opened only for security checks. The gallery deputy director, Mr Rus– aell Kerrlson, said an emergency gen– erator WM brought In once before to supply power during an electricity atrlke lu~ year ror the "A Century c! Modem Maaters" exhibition. "Bom.e or these patntlnirs date back 800 year~ and are In a very delicate ·condition," he aald. The exhibition, whlr.h hllll been open In Brisbane for five weeks. hns bee.i extended becauae of popular deml\nd until July,26. It wlll be open this morning, 1
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