Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1981 Exhibition ending 'TH F; 551) nulllon exhlh,Unn OI ChlllC 1mm1111•• lrom 11,e 14th to 11>0 201h centuries \\Ill end al thr q uccnsland An Gallery tills \\eekend. The cxl11bil10n "•b e>-.t.ended 1or :, \\ ed; hec;,u~ or oubltc dcmu11ri. Hours lor the exi1iblllOII aL Ihr s•lltr ·. II tll• lllth floor or the M 1111 BuildIn:: 111 Ann SLrecl, ar~ 10 A.Ill. 10 0 p.111. tod.nY, 10 a .in. to 6 p.111. tomorrow. ~11d 2· 1>.m. ::lundn ·. The exhlbilion 1s the larycsL of its klud orer shown oul:Hde 'hlnu. Prizes to artists QUEENSLAND artists hnve Just over 11. week lo get their entries 111 for the annual 8010 Competition. L.,. t year a record 526 entries were suhmltl d. double the num• bcr entered the previous year. This )'CRT L\\'O S2000 prizes llr being offered In sections for oils. wutcrcolor:, 11nd ncryllcs. and for gmphlcs~ serigraphs nnd drnw· Ines. Second prl1,es or S750 will be 1warded. 1' h c competition. O1,cn to Queensln11d residents of nL least I wo rears. hn. three Jud~cs. - the Ror.khampton Ch'lc Gallery d I rec Lor . Mr Don Taylor: Queensland ArL Gallery director, Mr Raoul Mellish. and nrlsbnne :;nller)' owner, M1· Philip Btlcon. Last year SI 1.282 wns rnlsed from the compctll Ion for three chnrltlcs - the Children's Hospl• tals Appeal. t,he Splnll Blfldo i\s• soctnlion :inct the Down's Syn• drome Aosocla1 ion. Of this. $7000 cumc from the sale or pnlntln:;s ente1·cd In the compcLlllon. Entries will be exhibited In the SOIO Thentre, Ann Street, from August 6 to 14. All entries musL be submitted by Jui)' 24 for In· cluslon In the compeLlllon. '\