Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

'l'he Cour ier Ma il 24 Au rust 1977 SIR Zelman Cowen and Lady Cowen discussing one of Jean Arp's sculptures at the Queensland Art Gallery last night with Professor Bernard Hickey. Proreuor Hickey, Mary– borouJh born, 11 pro– r e 1 • o r o r Com– mon11•ealth Literature at the Venice Univer– sity, T h e piece I• nnmed 0 Womon of Delos." SI r Zelman described · Jean Arp as one or the most nrtlculntc nrtlsL, or the 201,h century, He orrlolally opened the Jean Arp exhibition at the inlier)', uArp was a unlquelJ per– • o n a I n r n s t. The shapes and rorms he de,•cloped created nn Idiom which unmlsl4• knhly nnd Instantly ldcnllrles his work," Sir Zclmnn s11lrl. The exhibition will he on display In the Qur.rns– land Art Gallery, Mon• day to Snturdn)·, lrom 10 a,m. to 5 p,m., and on Sundays, from 2 p,m. to 5 p,m. up to Scptcmhcr 23. 01 the 83 " 'orks of the Alsnc:t•horn nrtbit on display, eight sculp• Lure~ nnrt one relict hnn? hcen maffn R\'RII• nhlc for Inspection by the blind. They will wcur specially p r e p n re fl gln, 1 es to touch the plerrs