Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

" IN TOUCH" Is a special £1:<hlbillon lrom the Queensland Art Gallery - their contribution to the International Year ol Disabled Persons. The art display provides exhibitions for the handicapped. and all blind people are given the rare opportunity to touch the art works. This exhibition is In the Cairns Municipal Library until 3 pm today. The Queensland Ar': Gallery has had a consistent policy of providing exhibitions for the handicapped. " In Touch" was made posslt le by a grant from the Queensland State Planning Committee of the IYDP. •Pictured - lrom left -- is Fiona Brown a student from the Special School with one of the exhibits. and children's librarian at the Cairns Municipal Library, Debbie Rasmussen. - Marshall photo. c,w·n!-IOn :,.r-rvkc·s uf; ~trs Tcn·sa Ol·S111:1n h I s.11J "h h:i:,. also 1.,,1 01hcr c·bldrl·n to bl•C :nJn• :1\\ J rt' uf th1:1r s,,,, rnul'h" Thl' c, h1h1ls n.:prl!o; ' 3 wide \'.lrtclv uf li.""11 I ~h.q11•:i: .,nd .... e,~111" 1 l l,md Art Gallery lo rc.1rh \•i!I,• M huols wt11th \ 1. mon· n·•:ion:-: of Qurt•nslitnd lh,• ,·xtut,1111m 1nl'luJ1, "Th1!- lactllc r xhih11&on Cc101lwnn~,1 s, honl, h,r Th\• L'Xh1h1t111n 1~ 11art of w11,; pan1c 1 il;1rly dcslgnctJ to SJ,('t'WI Sd111td uni. a prnr.r:un or t':Cl"IHll~11 srrv- bring plca!\11re to visually ~iunrtm~hurra Soulh :-. 1ces lwgun hy ltltt 4m•1,:ns- 11and1capp<'d ch tld rrn , " ~·ho11l