Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

~i~bi>oo art 'coup' Queensland has added to Its multi- mil lion dollar art collect1c,11 WiLh the purcha~e of an oil by the French art– ist Edouard Vullla rd for $180,UU0, The purchnse. by the Qcieen•· l•nd llrl K,tller)' follows the acq ,11 - s1tion or works by Ptc= . Re– noir. Toulou!ie•l nutrec and oth – ers 111 recent yt .trs. TJ1e Vuillnrd pamt in c. ··Le Sa – lon des Hessel." dClllCts the salon or the artu,t'<i 5!reate~t 1r1cnr, an connois.,;eur Madame Hc~I. The large oil by \'ulll~rd. one of Franre·s ~eatest Post-Im pri:?s• s1on1st arllSL'i, me.a.:.urcs 180 1.:m by 382 cm. It ,,. the major work In an ,-. h1b1t1on of pamungs, pastels and drl\winbs brought to Australt~ by llltlbourne art de~ler Georges .Mora. "' ho ha.:. bten ne~otiaun~ with the Vuillard estate In Paris for three years to brine the d1•· play here. C-THECOURIER•MAIL FR°LDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1981 Believes in art ·for all MR8 Caroline Launltz– SChurer believes In the need to Involve all Queenslanders In the State's new art com– plex. Her appointment aa assistant director or the art gallery was announced by the Arts Minister, Mr Elllott, yesterday, The complex opens next March. Mrs Launltz-Schurer, 34, of Jlndalee, haa been senior educa– tion officer· at the Queensland Art Oallery since mld-1979, She holds a BA Honors degree and an MA from the Australian , National University, where she studied art and history. '1e:ei;:t 1::!n~a~:h~e:t a~;d~ 8 ; ; University and Queensland and Orifllth Universities, She snld yesterday: "The new Job ls exciting, but a challenge too. It Is a significant time In the gallery's history with the mo,·e lo the new centre next year." Mrs Launitz-Schurer has had five study trips to America, and said the need ror extension and All education services was being rec– ognised there, too. "The stale art gallery will be for all Queenslanders, not Just those living In the metropolitan area who are able to visit person– ally," she said. "We are drawing up a number of public progr&t111 that will tn– \·olve country areaa". Mn Launltz•Schurer aatd ra– cllltles at the new cultural centre complex would match those or anywhere In the world, "I waa Interested to learn when I was last In America that they are dupllcat1n1 several or the educational programs we are planning here," she said. As a history student as well as art Jover, Mrs Launltz-Schurer Ill researching comparisons between 19th century American and Aus• trallan landscape paintings, She Is Interested In the way art renects the society of Its time. Her ~arch ls part or a Ph.D. project on American 19th century history o:, which she Is working at Queensland University, President of the Trustees or the Queensland Art Gallery (Mr Jua• tire P.D. Connoly) said Mrs L a un I tz-Schurer'a accom• pllshmenls In the planning and administering or the education program for the new 1allery, and the lmpl•,;ientatlon or the ,·olun– tecr :;.i1des system, had provided her with the experience and knowledge that would be exte11d– ed effectively Jn her new Job. Mrs Launlt1.•Sehuror has suc– ceeded Mr Russell. Kerrtson as as.,lstant director. He has taken up an appointment u flrat direc– tor of the new cultural complex. ~ 1 • j } - J