Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

A THREE: - DAY :in shO\\' 10 benrlll the ,/0111 P a 11 College a1 D a Is . H ill will opr 1i' fl l Uni 1 ·ersHy H OUl',t', Griffith Vni\'Prsfty A.l 8.1ft w 11h:ht. '111 • lihO\: r will hf" open– ed b,v the Queemlnnd Art o n.11 r r r dlr tor, 1-1 Haoul i\lelll·h. Booklug for the 01wn– lnu ca n br m nde b)' phonln~ :141 4253. The Cour ier Mail Friday, Se pt e mber 25, 1981 Wed l!e sday, September 23, The Austr·ali•an dictionary A • tralla'a ""'' dlctionan - Tbe ....,...rte - will be launeh– rd at the Q-n•land Art C:ial- 1•'1, Alla Binet, lomorroM' b)• the Q-nlland Unlvrnity •b•ncellor, Sir Walter Campbell. .\Jnonr the IS ru,slo M'III llf, academics from Matfjuarle U11l- 1·ersU ·, S)'dne)'. 11·htre the book or 150,000 word deflulllon• "'"" prepared In oonJU11cllnn "'Ith the Rrlsban• book publ11hen, Jara– raJ1da-Wlley Lid 111d 1hr M•t• quarto IJhrary l't)' I.Id, dlellonary, equll'alNat ,., Oxford and America'a \ At ·last, a dictionary of Australia's 'l'HE NEW Australl.9.n-born and bred dictionary, the Macquarie, was launched last night at the Queensland Art Gallery by the Queensland Uni– versity Chancellor, Sir Walter Camp– bell. Bir Welter. ••ho receh•ed the first Queens• land copy ol the 20H-pa11e dictionary rrom Queensland Newspapers edltor-ln-chler Mr Harry Gordon, said Australlans no longer hM to apologise ror ape1klntr In their own man– ner, The publlcatlon of the Macquarie Diction&• r,v wa• a significant event In the history or Australian literature and culture. For too long. young Australians and ml– grants were d~pendent on Britain's o,rord and America's Webster dictionaries. The new book, ••Ith Its 150,000 word dellnl– tlons, was written !or all Australla11s. But, Sir Walt.er said, It was not Just a book lull of Australlanlsnu. but rather an up-to– dat.e world dictionary for Australlans. Sir Walter said The Courier-Mall and Queensland Newspapers were to be ,on– gratulaled for their support. The dlctlonar,v's publication would be or Immediate public benefit. In his opinion. Australlnn English was as nntlve as American English. "It ha~ undergone a specla l. ener~ellc ero– lutlon In response to Lile ehanglnA com– position ol society. the loosening of ties with Britain and the search !or a national Identi– ty," Sir Walter said. A dh·crgent del'rlopmem or the language had taken place. American and Australian English \\'ere dis– tinct forms. with many words and expressions used here being genuinely Australlnn In orl– gh,. Some said there were only d ll(crences In pronunciation. Sir Walter said, but there were dllferences In l'OCabular~·. irrammar and In colloqulnllsms. · Many overseas dlctlonnrlcs labelled words "Aust." as II they were In some way eccentric. The Mncc1uarle Dictionary. for the r1rst time. gave a lull coverage ol Aust rnllnn 1·0- cn l >uln.ry and pronunciation. . It had been compiled with the need or the general Australlnn reader constantly In mmd and had ,omethlng better to olfer thnn any other dictionary on the Australlnn market The new dictionary was prcpnrcd hy n' \r· man committee rrom Macqua rie Unll'ersl . 111 Sydney In conjunction with nri,,,ane book publishers Jacaranda-Wiley Lld am\ the own distinct language -- - J\IACQUARIE University senior linguistics tutor, Mr David Blair (left) , Queensland University Chancellor. Sir Walter Campbell , and Queensland Newspa per · Pty Ltd editor-In-chief. 11r Harry Gordon , at the launching yesterday of the new Macquarie Dictionary. Macquarie Llhrary Pty l,td. A ranee of the dictionaries will be publlslwd nt n later dnte. ~l r Oorclon nld the dicL1n11nry wns noL Jrn,1 nn Osfon.1 w th nn AusLro liHn ncccnt. hul R hh.tory or the Austrnlurn hrn~unge And 11,s de· ,·c101m1en1.. Qunllty ncw=>pnpcrs in mosl st.ntcs hnd been ns!\Ochllcd with the dictionary a11d Queens– land Newspapers w:1 s proud to he,·e The Cou• rlcr• Ma.11 hwol \ect wilh 1t, Newspaper. wcrP 111 1he b11:;111 s." or wol'ct~ f\nd. In ftu;l. httcl If. , 1 estcd lntcrc:,l, In words. ~lr ,Ol'don SRld. The new dictionary could be rlohtl)' seen as "Rn Important and reell tic COllllllll lllCRl lons tool." l\ srnlnr 1u1or Ill Lmc.11istles nt :\h1cquar le Unl \'C1'5lt Y, Mr O:n·ld Bltt tr, satct the 11-rea l' t·ompllnLion and production rxerrtse had ne– gun wh h n conccpL lrolll Jrwnrnncla Pre~. A mcmbr.r or the rour-mnn cornmiuce ll'hlrh worked on the book. Mr Blair , nld the tenm hnd great confidence nnd pride In the product. IL wns not only their cllr lon11ry anrt he hoped Auslrallnns at·n111td the country would come to regard tL as their own. Mr lllalr said the dlcllonnt·y 1•ns not pcrl ect and he hoped In the months and .v••rs to ro111e readers would 5ui:ti::cs words they con– s!ctered should be cnlercd " he ~la q11nrlc D1 tlonnry would Rrow and change," he saal. )lr Blnlr prcsc111,cd thr sc ond Qu nshrnd copy t_o the Quecnslund Arl. Onllery'5 trustee£ senior 1·lcc-1>rcsldent. Mr A. Stratlgos. The ~lncQtrnrle Di llonary will br n Cou– rier-Mu ll Bo~k PrMI ge offer. ,wal luble at ~W.95 Iron, MomlR)' at Queensland News– paper,. Bowrn llllls, Ncws1 apcr House, Queen St reet. or s:!1.50 po,lcd.