Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
~ • FIVE•YEAR-OLD Zoe WIison looks In amazement at lhe funny head dress on her twin sister, Eliza. Correspondence pre-school teacher, Ms Peplla Parer, recently worked with correspondence pre-schoolers and their mothers at Clinton Stale School, 1h1rlng ldeH on lun things lo make with ordinary materials such as this supermarket bag and paper offcuts. Parents living up 10 100km from Glac1slonl! were shown the creative use of natural malerials ,n orkshops supplcmontlno the Correspondence -.,chool program al Clinton Pre-school recently f'opita Parer, pre-school toache• with lho orrespondence School. is travelling throughout C~niral and Northwest Queensland with tt1e Flying Art School. The two and a hall week trip with the !lying poller and painter Is a trial run but h,1s bl'en o•• romely successful, Ms Parer says. The workshops Introduce parents to materials hey haven't used or though or using with thou re-schoolers. ,' p response to her workshops with some parents on 1,c, Cairns lo Barcaldlne ltlnery travelling 200km ovo1bad roads to ~!lend. Sho has so far visited 65 larn,ltos. Also travelling wllh the Flying Arts School ls an e,h,bill"" · 'In Touch', under thu SUP, rvl IOIJ.J)I O'!.N:11s1a110 Art Gallery education olllccr, Robyn Bauer-Andrews. The tactile c•hlbltlon, designed to make people awme ol their senses, is being shown to primary sch<Jol children, but will later tour provincial art 9alleries. · 'In Touch' Is part of the gallery's contribution to the International Year of Disabled Persons.
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