Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
Hnd a super lunch ume on Wednesda)' at the opening of an exhibition of mnstcr works from the collccllon nr Sir Leon and Lady Trout 1a total of 61 puinllngs) by the Premier. Mr. BJelke-1'•• tersen, nt Ihe Queensland ArtOullery. 1t was well attended B n d Ru,i,i,.r.11 Kcrrlson, ucling director of I.he ~ullcri·. was busy sreet– ln~ c\lcryonc, tnctucting J.atly Trout. IunJorUI• natcli· her husband could noL RI tend• . Gorernor· G11ncr1tl designate. Sir 7. e I m a n Cowen, Sir , "' ul'Se t e great.est collection under one prl• vate roof of this artists work. He said Sir Leon Tro11t's Interest as a col• lertor \\'en back half a centllr)', nnd that Sir Leon wns on,, or the r1n,·– ms rwces hehlnrl the de– ,.,.Jopmem. nr the multi · n11llfon dolla r c11ltural nm p!PX to hC' h111IL by the State Government. * Gcori:c nnrl Lidy Fisher, patn1ilu:i:. nlonc ,, n h Ertucation :i.t1111s1er ,,~, ~/'1 ~ ~ ~ 11 ~:\.:,i 1 "~;~·11~~~ B I r d, nnd nnsbane 5 member of St. John's d • s h I n g Dean, Ian Cal t1ed rnl Visual Arts Grnr~c. mmittrc, Brrnrla :'\tar• * * * tin, kC'Pn nrt rn\lrrlnr. rrtrr ronnnlly, ~C'nlnr And mr1., rnrnwr Eciuce• ,·Ice president of the tlnn D:rertnr Arrh Guy– Bnnrrl or Trur;.t eP:-. \\ el· tnl!r, ,,·ith his wire nr.r.,·I. cnmed nil the fi?IIP. t.."i Anri \\'h i i e ~r\\P n hl l,le blt, or hl~tory thrnw:h on the ~mllery nnd the nrhrnrf'rl the wnrm rolor.!– plllntln~s. nnd hr penrcfu\M ,.s or Peter mentioned that Lhe Jands:co.I)Cls nnd wns the rxhlbltion Included rn,r:11n11'd h\' 11Je rnned 23 pn.111tin~s by Austra- fr n 111 t' \\ 11 r k ! mRn~ lln1 i .Tnhn oa1n11r1z,
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