Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
Private collection THE rxhibltion of ti l pni11 11 nus from the ('ollrcl ion of Sir L rnn n nct Lncly Trout. p r c - s cntrd n1 the Qurcnsianci Art Gai– l e r ';I. lli~ll li1\h l s treasures rxisL!n~ 111 a sinJsle prl vn tr col– Jcctlcrn in Brislrnne. 'l'llf'> f'XlUIJII !On rrflrt'ts thr 1111rrr~t nf it., nwnr•rs In t111pn 1!-'-JCl111Mn. E1µht1'l'r1 n..tms nre rrpn•s1•n ert. 11111111ly w11h lnnrl.,rnn,• \\'Ith nnrl ,, llh– nu r1~n1rra. •'!x nf tJ1c n.rt 1s1,..;; n r(t F'rerwh. a ,ul thn IJ:?h n t. Amnni:: IhP C:Jf\lllS of Ihr Fr••nrh H hnol. nrc I),· no mcnn.1 llCl!liC:lhlc J101111C 1 rs. The re111n111rtrr, nil n( Ihe he~! known nnmr. . nre A11.s1rn\tu n. howo\'er, Lhe inclusion nf some in Au ~t.rn! mn urt. h1stnry nl• lows for rr~er \'111 1011s. .John Pf'lf'r ltUS!'..CII, for one. wn~ for nll pUrJ)()SPS a Frflnch pamtcr of Aus– t.rnlmn birth. The lnr~c collewon of his WCtrk , 11 01lr-. nnct 12 \\'ntercolnrs, I. one or t..he grcnL :rnrprIscs In Ihls t'Xh ihltlon. Ru5..,rll wns a co-:Hu– dent 111 Paris w11h nrt1~ts sul'll a~ \ 'an (ioth, To11- lo11M•-l,:1uln•t•, Anquctln and U1•rnartt, nrnl IH' was pnrt. of Lhu it\"!trll gardr. He wn~ n dose frlf'nc1 or \'an (io~h lOf whom hr pn intrc1 the r rr~· f111r ponrnlt, !n /\ms1crctam·s RtcdcliJk l\tuscu111 ), of lt1wlln, Monet. nnrl nt.hcr ~rents, who nrlm1rcd his art.. And lr Is rcrnrded that he g'll\'(" nrtri!ie to Lhe )'Ollll!! M:ili:,;l<le, tn his Inst yrnr!- Huc:– Sf'II hnrt In S\'rint•\·, whf'l'c lie d1rr1 1n l!l:U, 11ultr 1111rr:-r-t:n1:.t•ri m l11s row11.ry ,,r 11r1c:1n. H~ wa, onlt· hro11i:::J11 tfl W!dr fl l,trnll<m 111 Ill(' \n~t, rlrrarlr. m 1• m: 1,, Dr. Bcr• nn rrl Smit h. i\l, Jll'Nf'IH, n. t'CI M– Spf'!'I l\'C nf !us work~ is hcmg ns!-.cmhted from Europcnn nn,t AusLrn– llnn sources and will t.ra \'el .:\11s1rnhnn gal– ler\cs nrxt. )'Cllr. Uusscll, b,· ,·ontrnst to 1,he Heidelbcr~ School pleln nir pnlnters. hRd a full ~rn•fl or rhe lmpres– !-1 Io n 1s t prlnl'IJ)lcs of breaklnR up solnr lh!ht. tnto 11s r:rmrnL~ and u111fy11u: thr!-fl hy .in <H ernll harm ny or 1n– rlr..•r•~111 1·0!01 . H1•1·1• ,\ r hn,c, n,11,,nc o 1 )1 r r ~ . h,!- !!'"''' n!: 1rn:•11·11.:!.. nf Hrllr llr, 1tr1· 1;,:•,. \\"hf' .. P 1111' l'l'~ – tl"~'- ,rnrrh anrl r :nrlrrt r n,k !<- , w h1 <· h n·· p trun'-lntrcl dirr<'lly. 111lo 1111 m rl,•:--l'C'lll 111hrlr nf n Lr I t 11 t 1• ci bru--hwnrk. 'l'hr~r pH·t 111 rs \'If' \\·tt h :\1onrt·~ p1ununss of the SlllllC SUbJN'I. Th er e me n u»cll's lo\'Cl~ \\a\t-'f' cnlnn, wi h lllo ll'P:- h 0l110111 of n1111- b•1w 11 C!-1, :1nd b v nn lllC'llll~ lal'klllC ln . ('011· St;l\lU!) 51 l'lll'Llll'C. * As t o tile r r - m a imlr r o f tile ex– hilJitlon. I have to rc.,1.ril'L my~cif 10 llll'll liOlli ll~ . ome h ii,:hli~h l.s : Slrrt•lun's , mall pnm - in:.:. dntcd IH!'lt; nnct 111• S1T1bcrt S h.Pt <'h for • till G llrli•~ Till' St r1•n111, 1s \'lnlH1!£', lyricn.l St rC'etnn at. h is best. nnd, r1ullc comparnhlc to the qun ll- 1,)' nf the larger pnlntrn~ in the Sydnc~· Gallery. C.runcr's ''Tile \Vn\'fl" \\i lh llS so ft. cnn ttJ'HIOU1' pulsnt.1on of su lJtle, ln~·– crect colors. l1s rf'f incd de~1$!n. ba~"lcd on a bal– anee of l.'()t1 ntc1actm~ Cll l'\'(!S, thnt. of lhf" ~f'lnt ly llck mµ wnre nncl the oth– er formed b)' little ftc – urf's. d •l1r1ou~l.V punc– tun"n ~ the surf rr. ()f l'111ul1•r. 111(' l11w– to11rtl limpid 1111'1 ~1,: t l.,111H f'lt )I(' \\ ! h 'I hi"n– c10l!l4.1, nnd Sp1U1G',ll1P 1\!lh ll , p,11i,;llnc nll h111rl In hln,)11\ A 11 1mtlll<'r1 B,qwr1 '1111111,·, F-hl"l\\llh! n h'.Hh s, t>1111 wP h u n•,,ti.r1..: "11111 u l. ;1nrl ~1 1 ktl)' 1;:llc::– trn111;.: \\ illt 1 1', ~1•1 off h .\' 1L1r\.: 1nrrcrn tnd mn:-..~r . IS :-rplt"lf' with n1llll, \('I• sure! · moorl A mnrc rnb11::t prN-r1we has Iho rlnpplorl rosy N'1lr1f'I hy 1'11111111:i. FoA, A Iii 111 t hr 1-'rr11t'h pn!11t11rc;. Wf' h.1,.,, nn 1•11r– ly Slt:nar of n ~01·111;111'\~· Jloacll. l.ni' -f'llU"._ 1:n "r 111 Nor 111 a n rl ,. . wt11rh I!; I rlm,cly ri('rJ\·rd from :l1n– nf'l's lllt•pad p:unu nc.lli: Ln n scnp e b\' ll1•11rl l\lorrt, trrmly ors1,norl n1HI wit11 n1 nltllll\Y to Gn.ui.:uin's cnlorl!<.lll. :\1orct.. a:- wc1I n!\ I'. n Is t• u u nnd !\lnxlme Maufm wl1n Is reprc!-r111• rrl with nn nttroctl\'C, (' l'!Sply pnmtf'd Orlt!RllY lrtnrlsrnpe, helon~erl to th<' l!roup nrounrl (ia11- i:uln n PnnI A\'l'n. r\nd thrre is nnothcir nttrnc– tl\·e llmrtscnpe h\' S1'1111f– frnN·krr. whn hnc1 1n11~ht C.n11i:11in the hAsics of milln np n untll 21 ~ n. \ ruthr1 . :\ ho rt 11N 1 11,-.l,111r \ r l ,nil n· I~ llll p l1t1ll rton nf Rrt~hn nc's tnp phnt('l– ·rnph !'$. LANGUAGES TUTOR DIES Language teacher Mn. Potsy Mellish has died in Brisbone after • long ilf. neu. Mrs. Mellish wn., senior mistress of modern Jrm ~ guages at Yeronga High School. French wns her speclalty. Her husband. nnn11I Mellish Is Queensland Art Gn!lery director. The funernl will be held nt 1.15 p.rn. rornor– row nl. St. Jnmcs' Romnn Catholic Church, Coor– pa1·00.
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