Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
Private taste BHISB A~t ha s lmaslcd two pri – vate collections of r l'pUI(', the Norman lh!h:rn collection and th at of Sir Leon Trout. both with his– torical and intrinsic significance in the Australian context. and in the case of the !alter collectinn, in• ternal.ional inclusions. SI r Leon and Lndy Trout are sharing ror two months with the Brls• bane public a selection or 61 palnlln~.s rrom their collection In an ex– hibition entitled Master Works, from the Collec– tIon of Sir 'Leon and Lady Trout. Sir Leon Is chairman or trustees of t t1 e Qucenslnnd Art Gallery, and the exTilblllon Ls housed In the gallery m tempornry premises In t'hc M.I.M. building, In n year which saw the physical beg'lnnln'gs or the new gallery within the proposed cultural complex on the south bank or the river. The accent or the col– lectIon ls ·on the lmpres– slontst era, bolh In Aus– tralia nnd Europe nnd spann ing both continents In the case of expatriate John Peter Russell who Is represented by 23 work. ffiillIT PIMRl Bill works whirh n.re the pay – dlrL. F'lrst, the rndllllll Streeton skct ·h !or Still Olide. .; The Stream wh ich alone would ;usll!y a visit, u l,tcm o( a palntm..: unchallenged for Its plure of honor on the cover or the generously i\lu:,;– tmted catalogue. Both the sparkling light nnd lhc d,trk side or c .mdcr nre rc11rcsen t– ed, 11 mnrvellou:; little Gruner be11chsca1,e, The wave, nnd a gem of a small OObcll, Ken sington Gardens with Us under – stated ordering or tight nnd shnde nnd the plain air M !clty of an English summer with no hint of the sllgllt theatricality to be round In a proportion or his works. Thel'e ls a beautiful Walter WIthers, and 1or a confirmed Bunny lover an untitled beach scene wllh woman rending . .. nil cur1•e or cheek nnd s h o u I d e r and pearly water as a reminder or what a dellclous painter nnd exquisite colorlst 'he Is. In an ex"hibltlon with such an ambitious title, strangely, It Is the smnll ll Is possible to men· tlon only a few works In this exhlblllon, which Is 11 generous precedent set by the private collector whose tastes and scnslbl· lilies have decided the quality and shape of his collection. Entries tell story IN SOME respects, almost os much interest in the Queensland Art Gallery's Trustees' Pri,r,e is generated by the statistics of entries 01 there is by the oct11al winner of the competition. D ue to problem.ti of SJ)aCC. t.111s C,)11\1)('1 it..1O11 IS restnck.--..c.t to indLed en• tra.nt. ,;; C0111!)l1rNI Wit-It la st Yt'Ur 's l7(i rn– vitatlons. ~n W('T c..' ISS11l'd this year. Of t.h )SC' in,·iLC'd, 7:i rf'• 9J)Ondcd. 01 wlilt'h 5G were S(•\t.'('tNI f•lr h n n'-t – inµ; 86 Qu~r n.t;lund arL– tst..-. wrre llllh11lt_:' t lH'.' 111- VILCt:"S, 55 or \\'hOlll st•nt. en Lri{":,., Hild :rn \\'('l'l' .sc- 1<..-c.tccl fnr IU\IH!ll1~. S o qu1•rn:-,huul hnd n <'arly 70 11t•r 1·1•11t or the potc nl i:11 11ri·1.t•· wl11nln1t c h.lt1<•1~" - hul tlw prlz4.~ "'cnt to :rn ~rli~l rrom Rlnalonr In New South \\'ales, Jant-l naw~on. with her acrylic "1-'oxY Nl~hl II"'. [n U1c oompnny tn which It. t~ set,, t,!11.-. win– ner selected hy U1c Na– t.\orrn.l. Gallc.-ry dire-ctor (Mr. Ja mes M t>llison > ca11S<.'d n few --;.u sed e,\ C• hrows n.11,hough clnc:.er n.c– cpt n I n t n n c e w1 t.11 t,he work givc,'i clut'6 l,O t.he Jud~e·s decision. The co11ClllTe n t,ly-hclct hlcnnlnl L. .I. 111 n ·cy Pri1.e ror Drnwlnq llkr– wl51.-.. nt,t.rnct..Mi n pprox1- llltll.CIY douhlc t.lte n u111- bc.-r of cnLl'IC'S of t,l\,,;-,l' trt J!Y75, wi t'h 211 Queen!tlnn– d •rs 1•f'pt'C,)Cl1l<Oel 11\ t.ho ha.ng -1 11;~. Here, the o,w(l,rd - nn– nnL1 nred Bt, t..hc Q.A.G. (M IM Il,1i\ct11H!, 100 Ann :s, ri,ccl 011 Pndny night hy M r. Elw~·n I,ynn - went to V1rtori..n1 nrti5t Pt•LCr T yndnll for hi," cx– (ttllsllotiy d rawn but. c.c;o-– l,t"n c l>iecc c nt..itled "Co– en o 11 s ArL Contained \Vu.. 11111". T l1e xh\h\t,ion. In ho– nn11r nl .trlM,l Lloyd Rres., will r1.•111Ulll OJ)Cll n.t t.he Q. \ , ,. Ullt.11 NO\'Cllll>or 1·• YOUTHS "STRAYEO" IN 1'II E lii;ht o( U1c pnllcy und erlyin g lhc A.B.C'.'s Youth Conccrl series, lhc finale for lhe year las t nighl s lrn ycd somewhat from the 1mlh of rcdiludc. 1-1:wmµ pillc1 tl'1h11lc to the " IIH1-.1,•r:-." 111 the fir!-.L h tllf of the pn•itra nnnr - M OZt\rL llri111z t.h ~ llllL"itCr o( chnirc - rf•!-lo rt wos mncle m thr- !--t'Cnmt h nl f t.o 1; l'('lll'S t\1:-ncif•l"\l\{'1'." - \\ Slllh' 01 ll\110<.'IHlUS, I( n O t. p tlt'Lh.'lilHrly CHS· t.in 1-t111Rh"'1t, " progr. n111w" pieces hY Mtl. 1'Cll<'l und Lllr po1wl:1r <11hu11111011~ , "\.Vllllltlll ·r, . .'I\" O\'(•rLUl'C of n .0~~1111 If (,ho nnsslni piece h nd Ul he p1'0)!1'tlll1111C<l, surely 11, wou l<1 h,\\'C hr.en f\ l>CUC-r cl1()!1·c- thllt1 t,hC M u-1.iu ·t. I( ~'75 Srrr1mdP lo 6C-f V~ n., I\ Clll'ltilO • l'IIIAr.r. P ICf\.-,1\rl t!IIOUJ.!h 11:i il 18, ~he ::;('re1111 le depends f!Tl'.Lll}' {OT' It {'fl PC on t,hc experience ()f I tw l1s– tr11rr ln drt c ttnc: t<lmtl 1ntcrplf,y nncl. In 1H tj' r ns('. Is cs.i;cnt.tnll v clH\lll• Ucr rnthcr lltll ll {'(.Jl\('1•1'l– )Htll lllllSIC. 'l'o !i.'\Y l ht\L iR r,nl Ln ctt"nig:r(tte, the p\:,y11H: 01 Lhe wind octet that 1wr– ronncd ll w it.It ~n .. •11L skill ; llS d><I the ~foz:1r\ orchcstrn tlmt 5\I Pl)i>r rct ~ololst- F.clllh Pelnc11mn11 in the 1<.i tG Violin Con• ccrto. Miss Pclncrnnnn ndc1NI lo the dcl1ghl;, of the work with her velvety qunlit.y or t.o11c, r lul1vcly s111nll though UHLt ton ' lllflY bf": lh:ht- eno111;:h nt t.11111•-. tn he hcnrd only w it It t1 f1cutty Lhrnugh Lhe orclll'SLrat ti.'XUll'C t llmH.:il Put.rick Th mn.,;; 1"•11.-. ut, pl\lns to k"f'\J the s.1111\1'1 t\L ,rn npp11,,:trlnlc h•\•1•\. ,, l1!l h.• tho11c:hl ror he V \1111h Cone •rt'i Co u- 11111 tN' . s R grst.urr nr ce\,)l1r1111n11 11r till' ("11 l of t.hf ' y1•.1 r·-, sNlrs. v ould ?lt>l ,\ hr11~lll di. pl! .y of fl11'-''t!f~ h it\'£' h C<'ll mol'C In kf'C'!)\I\~ Wit h tilf• OCCll· Sl•II I tlinn LIil' " t full M hRl lt1nns st,1•11 ng ncros.r; the n11rhlol'lu111 tookl11g fnr 1111 the world like I\ ninnl bi\\'.! of llrohdlt1 •nn-– ~1nn Jclly~l>c~rns?
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