Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

·-~· ,..c.... :·-- : ,• ·t. Builders ban Brlsbane bulld ng work r., yesterday ba nn d work on a ~ectlon of the Quccnslnncl Cultural Centre in protesL ove r tn'l! State Governmen t refusing to leglslate a portable Jong . cr– vlce leave scheme. A meeting of 11bou 1000 workers n Perry Pnrk dcclrted to bnn construct Ion or a llrldµe nv r Melbourne Street . ltnk• inJ: the first. and second srnt=,es of tnc CC'ntro. The Dulldin~ 'Trndcs o rour or Unions ho11ornry secrctury, '.\lr 1111~11 lfnrmlton, said at.her selected go\·,un .. menL projects )n Brisbane also would be bnru1ed. DuL schools. hosplt nls nnct other community !nrilities would be exempt. fr,om bans. Yesterday's meeting condemncrt the State Go\'crnn)ent for fnil ing to le::cs· )ate a portable lon g ervtc lea\'e scheme for the building lnclustry des• plt.c previous nssurnnccs t.11at. such a scheme would be legislated. i\lr Hamilton said about WOO build- bridge In~ \\,1rhrrs :-.tnpprrt \\(1rk <•,wrrirr,· hut Wl're t'!\lll''- \C'd tu n'.'iUltle nor1111t I ,,ork 1od:t\', In ;1 S-t. 1 1>a ratc mrd111~ yes rc!a\', 400 to ;,oo Slate o\Crn111r·nt. bmlctmq worlt-.r.i ndor~rd ncllon 1n ob nm n ,. 1-1 w:,~e 111rrcu:,P nn l nn S8 t 1nde.;,1n n :, nllo\\ 11\CC. Tll s 111 rrnf.C hud brcn ~rnn cl rrc 1tly to all 1netnl \\Ork r~. elect rira l nnd ptumbi11t! employees working for the ...,o\crnm nt. l\1r llnrrnlton snld thC' mrr in~ nu • thoriscd tile Hill n CSC('\lll\' s to rnll more sLOppn,:c.; nnd tRkc whntc\·cr othC'r net ion lh<'Y conslctcrcd ncccssar ·. The bullctini: unions hncl Ileen am– pnl~ttlni: for ~bouL the Inst 12 )enrs to obtnln n porlahlo Jon~ srn·lcc lcnve Rcheme hcc·nuse mcmb rs hnd t,o ~o from cmn11nny tn rompnny nnct Job to job 10 nrn nln\n cmptoym nL The Sunday Sun August JO I 1981 The Building Wortcen' Industrial Union has black-banned wortc on the bridge betwHn the first stages of Brisbane's culturol centre. Union members walked off the job on Thursday afLcr the Stnt.e Govern• men t decided not Lo pro• ceed with 11 BIii Lo give building workers portnbil• Jty of long service tca\lc. But Deputy PremJer Dr Liew Edwards, who intro· duced the Bill to CnblneL. condemned the black•ban. "IL won't make one loto. of difference Lo the Gover• nment's decision." he said yest.crdo.y. "They arc only puLtlng their own men out of work. "We wlll not threatened and will back down." Dr Edwards said the Government. would not. tn• Lroducc the legislation d e– spite a JJOrtablllty allow• ance being brought In In NSW nnd Victoria. He said the allowance would add up to 3 per cent on the ·ost or each con– struction Job. "And tt offers no lnce n• Live to stay on n Job." Dr Edwards said.