Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Jubilee A rt Competit ·on a tracts 3000 entr· es ·rom 5 C ools :Vh,r,: :'1.1 1 1 tuoP t..) l..'l' , •. 11·d , 1. 1 ,1,1 1. ,,',i•i.·11 l..'llh.'1<,:d l!ll..' l)lh,.'l.'11 1 1 ' \.° 1 ,, 11 1hl..'I h, I '1.·1.· .\ ! I { p111l'l'! lltlll I{ • 1.1. nh tlh: () 111.·:11· ... , , I ill' 1·1,·111 .. ·t. ' lh· 1 1 , 1 1' 1 1.'n ll_tll!H. I 111 t .. ,,,,111.: ' '\11.·lh.1.·-1'1.·h·1, 1.·11 ljl\ lh.'.d 1.· 11\I • ·11 1 1• 'ltl '''" : 111 11\.'' 1 1 h1. \ 111,.'III\" PI tl11.· I 1 11 1 I~ I II' l'"" i.:.11111· 11 111 1lt rl1ugl1l •lll 111.. ..;,_,11. 11\1111 S1.,11.· .1· , pnv11 li.: pn111.,1~ .. 11. ,1.·1.·1 1 1h'.1r) ,1 1, J...-,,·... ,111tl r, 0111 pup1, 111 ., ' ''-'' ,,,,' •.•I th· \ I l llw r1..·1..JUl',t 11 '•I,.' 1 11.·!ll11,.-r·, Ui..·p.11:- mc nl. tlh.:t'11111p1.•1, 1 ,1• , "' ,,,1111 1~ ,1rg.1 111,1.•d hy Mr (.,...:1.1rg1.· \\"11 .. n•· in. 1 11,,.• l kpaJ1 11h:111 l•I' l·:du,.:at1,111 , i.;,:1wn ,,,,, ,,t ,\ ,1. .11 1 d \,tr l(:w ul M1.•ll1!-ih. 1)11t·1. ' t' 11f tile ()u1.·c11 ...l.rn1.t /\rt Galkry. Ent ·i1.·"I ,..,en: pr1.•., 1.•lcctt•tl :1l ,.:.11.:h ,~~1\'1\ltl oflice by the rcg1l111:d d1rn:1or ..nd I\\IJ a r' tc.:ach!i!rs and !'urwi,rth.·1.l ,._, llri~b;1111.·. " l1l·Ji.·11 1inal judµ,111 1 \\~h madt· by ~·!r \\ 11!1.11• 'l'll uncJ lhl! Prn 1 c1pa ! \II thi: f...'c,,\lq:c .., 1\ L \ lr Alan Warre11. , OlJ'<G 'ii\wr ,luhil,·,· wi1111a ,•,11l:1111, hi, idcns t•• 1hc Queen nm! the Dl n.•ctur-r;,,ucrul of 1-:1lrn.·u1io11. \lr C. Gilmour. w... . ,d li\ l'IF t\.'• • I I.,.' I !\\ \ IT 1111,:d1 . \\l I\ ' ' II .2.1.·d Jl1 .... , pt 1,111}!.l' , d I .i \.' \ 'PI !Ill\\ ()lll'1,' lh! 11 1 ., l1t 111I, , rh• , t 11111.._., 1•,111 , .. . 1..._ d1, 1d1.·\' ,, . . 1 , •n.1up,. •h ..• •H1h ' ,,, L'ta.: 11 '•1.·111r ,, ~ hi.' pu1,·h.1,1.' \'• 1•1111.11..:11,i l,1 •: h 1,, k ,1u"k111·, \. 0 'h• _1,.· r\11,,.• ()111 '\"1 H'l.'.'14..'t,t•·.\ \\'11\11\,.'I' \\ ' ' h,'11 .,,,.,arJ. a l ,\ : Ull\."' Hlll al ( i~lV\.'1'11111\.'\\I , t,,u,,· . lir1,b.111..-. 1111 1-t •d.1y \<l:1r..:li 1 1 1 ,, ·,, \. Wll\lll'l'S rn._1111 1.\lll , tdt· lh'l'I )~11\l' \\ I,,, ,I \' 1.k,J. aci..·.-,m11u• 1.la t1('" :111L1 r..:tu111 1 1 1.·, l'-'1.·--1. prt,, 1d,.:d l\ 1 1 u.' t·'.,, d :ind ollt' I'• , 1 P r ~uard1;rn . /\ I 1.•1 1 1c.: prt·,e11tal11Hb , 11 .. •) ucL'll .1 11..! t lJL' 1 J111.'!.:l1.' t·-( •t'\\l'ntl ul L:\l UL',1 ·1 . \-lr C:. G 1. tt1l1ur, 111,p1.·~·l.'d dw .. ,,11rn111;. p,lll'' 111~, . ¼1xty tnlnt·, . 11 H: lud111J:' rl1c w1 111t111g Wt''II s ir~1,..•tu.:lt ~r0t1p. ·., ~·,·c d1~p!:i~•l.'d al 1l1t· <,1l' ..:11s– l:111C A rt Gal:l!"Y !rum ' 4 M .1n:h t• ' \pni \9/7 , b!i!t'urL' touring. rc~1tmal cl.'ntrcs. Thi.' prizt' winners wcn: : Group I : cil,lhl y,•11r- and under Jirst. Chn s1 111e L111 k vii i>u Sch,,01 ,,1 ·'"' l\1r .n•t·o11J. A11!:•d .1 t irec11halgh. '"P• \-1 ~ Grava t! Stal'. '-; ·huc,1: 1'1inl. c ir:il1 '11 rh.1bcha n '-;t,1h' ')chout. Grm111 2: 111111· ~·t•urs tu·., ·. R ti1l1 !-11.1\\ ,lrt.l r-.. 111 , •· ,1,1 11: \~i.:hoiJI· ..\1, Ollil '\:~1;1:1 11 , H..', VI 1ll'r Lk 1 ' n 11:a •·~ ·chool. T ~H1w1.11J111 ,;1: 1l11rd. Dcsk y 'lcph1.·ps1,.111. 0 ~1 k,, uod Stnh: SclHJt,I. Grou1, .\: ,:'\ to I~ ~l•ur,- )tr.\f. (~ r.1h.Lm A, httrn , ltr:-.hanl! Hoy:-. ( i nirnmar S1..·lh,1.'I: ,\1'1'i!fltl. \ u.::iru1t· I l.'rgu::.. lh111da111h.1 S 1 .1l\.' Il1t-,!h ,clllw l. thm l. k 1111ifi: r Hull . Kclv1P Gnwr :-.1111c 11,gh Schi>ul. Group -1: In ~·•·"'' 111111 u, 1 1•r - /1r ,1. Kathrvn Bn111\i!t·cc,mbt: F:i1,. lhl ,1111.: <. \,lk~i:. I OllW\lUI\\ J,1 : .H·l·om/. \i 1.11 r, L1J\'., Kcdrull Stall! 11,~h Scl1<•,·-: 1/111,/ 'arl' k RlwaJl.!'I. 'hl\ lt\.• ..ld Ctl! l't'l', Grouu S: un~· ..._,mknr from· .i "il)l'l'iul -.chool .J1r.,1. :-;1i.1 nc ' '\Jt:11 . .-\ ,pl..-~ >n : u111t \' Sd,l,,\,, ,e,·0111.:. R1.. 1 tn Uanl-., . :\.1v11.·r 11~ 1,– p1tal " d ltlL,I: tftl ,.fl "u~:in J,,n..·,. 1 1"\' 'L'II Opr,,, t U111t. St h1 u,1.