Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

~ ..entre From Page 1 ('tOl'dlllg to the repul'I Bhr ·la \' 1 ... l'lulmcd tllur 111uc· 1 had been do111: ,Jrrc,•t rrirly dcflc enl'le:io. l t. a id 111- ,1111111,m n•qulrccl Lo upclutc the work 1 .;ru111 Vil\\ not Mtppllcd u n til ~lo~· \'Clir wtud1 hncl led to a 111l~– IJ11g ,,ol'k 11roJ,:ra1n hPrn~ subrmuci.J tie Work1; DL•1>11 rtrnrn t. 11 rlo11... doubl~ about. t he time 1 !Nf fnr flnlshlm: work torcNi t llP dl11lic.. cu11111lr11on d H e to be put ',1 • tn Oect mbcr, lfiH:L ,I the f CIXlrL li1 rc lllY B ros dcnlcc1 t 1l l'itufl or ~ub-oon trncton,· t11- ,·11petc11ce llrtd bre11 n. major factor , k or cxperic11rc nnd competence in v•r~ had cnu!>cd delay.-.• •11· Nortllo,·cr said jn th e report he– Ill h lei I Jks \\'It h lhc- tntc Work• \.11:u·1111cnt director or buildlni!s, Mr n:11nn Pa\'lystl\'n, He wns t,,old thr. 11u11s trite or Ilic project hRd become .ncnl "unly in tlu! Jm,t few mont h.c;." 11·11s scnous In lhnL I nffected hnr– onr. completion date nnd the uh l- 1tc cost. ho report said the Works Dcpa rt - t••,l rea l <cd tlrnL llnrclny Bros hnd 1 urrenLexpcrlen e in t he particuhtr • before the contract wRs leL. The!' , no 1mruculn1· dlssatisfactJou from workmr111shlp point. of view, It. WR5 w l.1· Joh hurmon.r, luck or renl prog– . Jou costs nnd overrun contract .i,·h were nf cnnccrn. · !'he depnrLmenl Rt 110 lime mtslc-ct " eontruclors s to the nature. time I clifflc11lt)' or the works nnd do noL hevc thnl anr e,·ents hn\'e occurrntl hnn~e LhnL l'iew," t tie report said. 1 111 Bnrcln.v·s expressed concern re– n~ 10 the t·onLrol or the project b,1· arch1tccL wn:i u planned decision - ,,,,. Rll, IL wns his des ign and 1u1 art OJ(•Cl," ..he report , aid LlmL the department d 1101 ··seriou~IY considered" term1- 111g the Uurclnr Bro. contrnct but " Ins cot1f1dcnc~ in t heir ~lbihty to :ram and undcr:>tnncl the Joh In ,.d. ~.,relay Broe; hnd rorw. rd rl m11Jor 1 11s and the depan ment wn~ lnokln~ 1 lhc cl11lms hu wos 111 t u nha ppy the IJareln.r JJros' llitudc and rc- llelie,·ect thrre would b "unf. ,·or – polltlrn l cnnscriuences" lf the , ,.._, rtrp:1rllll('l1I, dt~fendf'c-l I he COIi• l (I ('fllllplt' I ion II nd then Ld , nJllc M?ttlcmcnt of clol 111. heliel'e 1111,i to lJr• • I.Olll Ii) torr oppro:tt:h," he s n 1c.l on report 11 I{, 1111tlPr--1l11lfl 1h1· 1 1 ' 1' 1111 '"' " ' '' 11 ,, 1 \\ :p , 111'1 r1•\·r :d• 11 du• 111 -.:. ,u .. ._,julh 111•1111•1•11 ;\It• \\ h ~11·t 11 11, H111 l'l:l.~ ,rn.., :lllcl drJm l'l1111'11 lal 111 flt•1•r , . l'hr ,. 114 '1' mf' mhrr 111r 1.,·11 ,111, ,, r u lU Rlll'II'-, \\ho '-11111)11, tl ~I i'11 lt' 111 lh•· 110.-1 111 Tht· t 011r u- r - ,1 :, 1l, ,.,,, trnla , d lctl nn ~I I' \\ 11111 11111 11 , 11111\, 1• !1 1,11 h P,\.flltt n:Ui.111. " Iii' ll:1, 1, 1 1·\. pl.11 11 h ,· h,• ha,.11·1 ..,,.-11 lh i, n •p11!'! 1111 :1 ,·iu r 11111!!11· p1 u 11•t'I \\ \11•11 h i, rJ.•11,111 1"t1t h :t'- a 1·1111y. ·•Thi• 1w,111lr ,,1 t)111•,•1,,l,111d ,11 1• IM' - 1!! fu r !hi, 111'11!,•1·1 ,1 1t1I 1111·, rl ,,.. ,,n,. •' l'l llilr d 1•q 1l.1n:11111n 11( \\h ,11 th,• 1111,d ..., 11111 ""· IIIH•ll " H ill hi• 1111 ,,111•,I 1111 Ih n a, 11 11.., f111 I h r il1•\.1' "'· f"r ont P :tg c l ··Jlr \\' h .1r tt1 11 n •fu ..r cl 111 c, ,u • 111•- 1.dl, •d tl\l n1·111:1 t 1,111 a l1o ,t1 I 11_11, 111:\1 1.-1 111 ,r r l:iir ..; h.t\\ I \I .P , ",·11 1111111 111 ...,, ,11,• l',11li.1nw 111 l:i-.1 \, ,,,·h. 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Bait l,1\' H t'11'-, 11H111 .1 1111: rlli ,•11111 , ,1 ,, 1. 111 H, 1 11 l,i, , !" ni1I , .,., 1,•,1t;i, 111, .. , 11111- p,HH' ,, \d • ,,1111n1 .. , 11111,·d 111.- 11 11111 I, 11 ,, ..:,ul : " 11 \\.I'- p11n·it1,•fl In 1h1• q t11•r ru– l 11111 \\ or!,, l)i•Jl!ll'llW' III in 1·1irtficl1•n 1'f" .111cl 1, i1lw11t 11n· i11d h'1• :1 .. nn lnch•Jl"n – d 1•11t 11·1w 1t .• , 1 , n :i ,·d .l,. .. :t irl t hr 111 11!1•1·1 w n, nnt :t n11llll'I' :.::,d;,•.,. 111,i•r:1 11011,P :1lthouc h 1 11,, 11 . n••t •· ..1111w p.11 .d ll'I~ 111lh ut lu•r 11111, 1 11,• 111111111· h 11 i11ll11i: .. , 111 h fl ', l h•• ;\l ,•lh,1111111· .\ r t-. c·.•11 lr1•, 111• .., 114 1 1h,· t·11m plt'li+111 tin t•• wnuh1 1111wntl ,111 111 1,·r u n l 1!11 \.. 11 111:,:<1 o! . lh~ h ,.., 1 hi•a Ir,• a 1111 1·11111·1•r1 h:111. 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