Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

on Cultural Fine showing at Civi ArtGallery JHE newly opened Brisbane Civic Art Gallery and Museum la the lat– est add.Jtlon to this city• • cultural ln– • tltutlon •. Convenlon or the ctt, H a I I '1 former aupper room and finance de– partment hu provided 500 • quani metrea or ex– hibition apace, which ex– lenda over two noon connected by an Interior 11.alrcue, plu1 an equiv•• lent apace !or atorage, work room and con• aervaUon, One noor aervea for ex– hlblta rrom the historical archtvea plu1 work& ol art lrom the permanent civic collection. The floor below LI aet ulde ror temporary non• commercial exhibitions. The appolntmenta are excellent with exhibition 1pacea dealgned ror flexl– blllty and partition• to allde from the cellln1 to the noor. * The old beam • tructure hu been !allowed and painted out black, white, high wall •, parquet noon, and cream wool curtain• give a good en• vtronmeM for dl1play1. Air-conditioning, elec• t.r1cal and !Ire aervlcea are to International 11&11• dard. In charp u curator LI Nlpl Babine, an honoun 1raduate !Unlvenlty or Ne..- England) In HIiiary and Archaeoloay. Now It remain& to be • een whether 1ddltlon1 to the art collection and exhlblttona wlll make worthy contrlbutlon1. The present exhibition Wood Plu • c1a, <ar– ranged by the Crart.. Board ol the Auatralla Councill la a 1plendld curtain raiser. People wlll remember the excellent AustralJon Cerami<'~ PXhlbltlon al the Queensland Art Gal· lery last year. * Many or the best pot- ters who were r~11resenl• ed In t.hat exh1blllnn are also represented In this one. Names such u Hug– han, Col Levy, Peter Travis. Mar.ea Oanard, D c re k Smith. MIiion Moon. Blakebrough, Pe• ter Rushforth. and cor• tolnly not least tha.e marvrllnu~ ,Jepnnrse pot– ters working in Atlstralla Shlgco Shiga and HIroe S •·en - shnttlrl at– tract mnny nrlm1rcrs. The elegant woodcrart pieces In htRUI lful Tu– manIan Hunn Pine add to Uns exhihltlnn, which will r,rnaln open untJI April I5 during visiting hours, Monday to Friday lrom 11 nm to 4 11m. The exhthlllon WIii VIS• It •even Queensland cen• tres belore leavlnr ror o\'ersea!i. * ···- ··- ,.. c..... HI.. l111tltute Gelluiu, Le11...,., tl•n l111l9ht i11te tho riN et • ,-rticulort, lrltlah t,e..ltlH of lo11d- 1eepe wetorcelor ert. The period covered by the fifty works Is an Im– portant one - 1750 to· 1850 - and all the Impor– tant name • are repre– aented. Wblle at the Queena– land Art Gallery, don't mlu looklnr at the sixty entrtu ,elected from the celved rrorn children al over Queensl•nd for the Queen Ellz•belh II Sliver Jubilee Art Cornpelltion. The aet 1ubJect "The Family" hu given ri.se to an amazing variety or ldellli and presentations. There Is so much lhal I enjoyed that I hate lo give credit to a le-.• In preference lo others, who did Just as well. The exhibition will go on tour In Queensland alter It clooea here on April 3.