Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

AIOVi:' The Go••rnor (Sir Ctlht H•nn • h) ' h1•h11 • le • t hw word • with the Queen lteto,o • he INl•~•d on RAAF V,1,1', elrcra~ at lrl1- btne Airport lnter– n1tle11al tarmlnol y11- ··· tarday. The ,onrfor 'ni II • 1 t h 1977 • H'a on ••• but fl'le Quffn did not f11rn on tl'le loun. loin on tl'le a,,.. bone Rlver ot 'I tc– torl• 8rldfe le eommomorate l'ler .,,.,., , ... ,, ... l'lorlrmen awltel'led If on brlellr nrlr fodor lor • llnal loaf bolore fl'le OI• tlelol e--nr at U.H. -----