Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

·~· KIVER WILL GIVE CITY CULTURAL GRAC Pro1rcl architect (/.h-. Robin Gibson) ,aid: " By 198•, Bri!,bant will hove o group of public budding, de!.igned for people and to allow fu ll arlvontoge of our "We lnrend to crea te on o~,..,,osrherc of softness in which g,eenery, pork.la nd and the river v iew, will r •• place high 11se buildings arid city ugl1r,e!ts." Mr. Gibson, 46, i~ o graduate of Queensland Uni– versity. Thi Quunsland Wo,kt Department will N l,uilding authority and tht coat i1 11timated $42,400,000 on 1974 prim. lhe plaza O"d f0t.mtom ooened by the Queen yes t,rdoy will precede se ... erol ddferent and excir,ng f,~ll· turu. A 2000-scol h, rtc f eorre .... t11 allow perfe1m1ances of opera, hollel, and musical theatre. A COr",C'l!lf hall .,.,. ,11 seal onf'/tl-,er 2000 a nd will incnrp,"l101e ocou\11c de 1()11 for orcr s'ra! ~ r r\c.. !he p trl~rrt1111Q ,iris centre tJI,., "' di ho'> e \hops ...,,,h ,oace f-:,r croh d1spl'Jys, bistros and crif'o?e tl""1,.mge\. M r. G10!.on \aid 1h01 the ,.,Id 1ac...H-=indo 1recs a t 51. Helen 's hosn1tol ,,..outd Le k.eo1 I r a da\h of ,olor.