Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

beginning THE Queen will officially open the first port of Bri1banc'1 $47 million culturol com• plex during her two-day Queensland visit in March. She will travel by launch down the Bris– bane River from Too– wong lo a site nen : the Victoria Bridge, where she will switch on a floating fountain. The floodlit lountain will send Jets or water to 76 metres. Secondary Jets will shoot water about ~O metre~. Activation or the foun– tain will commemorate the Queen's silver Jubilee Australian lour. First work on the South Brisbane complex, a preparatory contract which paves the way !or major bullding contracts, was started last year. Queensland building contractors E. A. Watts P ly. Ltd . , won the Sl,200,000 State Govern• ment contract. The contract Involves the demolition or some buildings, construction or State to miss top art shows QUEENSLAND will miss a nun,bcr of mojor , international art exhibitions which will tour southern Stotcs this yeor. Tile -~ZOO milhon Chi– nc.10 cxlllhll lon or n1·t1- Incls. now rtrawi11g larp.c crowds in Melbourne. I\ Ill l'lslt SyrlllC)' nnd Adc– luldi, - hut not Brlslmnc. Nor will Br1shA I\C SCI) the prlerlr.,s cnllel'lion of 78 fo111ous 1ilcl m·,ster.,· drnwilH?li from VICl\llR ·s l\ 11.> C I' I i 11 :l , whicl1 is 11lunnrd for Syclnc,\·, i\Icl~ lmnrnc 11nr! Adrluldc 111 lllHI-~ C:11'. Hrl~bn11r ;tl--o w!il 1111 ... ~ r,111 on nn exl11hiw111 nf thf' wnrl;s r llh.l{IC'l'll t;•rr11c 1 h p.t intcr 111Hl sc 1lpwr .Jc:1 11 Arp :11~ct 1111 .;\111crit:111 t:olle1·1io11 r,i~ 1llle<I 1hr 1-lel'l!;1 •oc of J\rncrlr,111 :\r~. But, 1l1c Quren~lnnrl Art G1llcry will ,ls pl:iy this ~l•nr tile \\"1ll11u11 Spo on c r collccI1 11 of Engh::h \\Jtt r c·olnrc; nmt ,trow1ng,s. :111 C!-:hlhlt!Oll of 111ocicr11 rcn lh l \\Orks. nncl Ihe nmj<ir CIIIIW:-C C IICCI I 11 of H11l1.,1c11 prn~nnl pn11:1111'.! :-.. 'l 1 hc µnllr p· ttl'-ti ,, 11 f hfl\\' 1 l'Ol'.1•1·l1nn •ii ti ll' \\Ol'k~ I)~ 11-,\ Ynrl; phl''l– tocr,111hn I ("( I I 1r<!h111 - tlt'I' nnri I lll'J' llllt.' I'· nn t1c11al \\\l!'\~~ The Q 'lt'( w-l.111d :\ l'I Gallerr dir<'r c,r + ~It· ll. :'\lel11:::h • :-hid la(•\· nl In• ,•1lll!cs nnd 1u11d:, \•.,,.. 1hr mn111 rcul 11 m.m~· ,,r tllt' 111·1jor hllcrnn1.1011a1 col• leclions did noL come to Brbha11c. Bill 11~ said the si II· Allon woulcl be vn.slly rl111111!ccl when lhe nrw nrt pullery a 'outh Bris– hnnr \\':ls ompletecl. · \\"r• run't. rlo m ore 1111• Lll wr, J!f' Ihe llC\\' g,tl· h~n·." IH" s,1id. " \Vr- r,L-.o ha \'r f!(} pn· ont 1r-; nt Ille• 111111nc1: t 10 hntld 11p acq11l::,itio11. for thP nrw c.al: cl'\,.. ~I I'. .\IPIII 11 !-:11cl. Thi• LH 1 \' 1j !i:•. N t11'JP:l !,,;h!P:lHl n ' ~:IHI I h;11 I hr hruv• Cit ,. H1t!I llH,· ... , 1 11111 and . 1'i rr., :lcr~·. 10 hr n1wnrd hv the Quern rn·:-.I mon th. conld IJC' m•r<I 1 :1 VC':Hlr for nm – Joi' ,·;-.r il1'.: e~ lulJluon:-:. :\1 r:-. ~ l<1cnin11 :,a1cl tile rounrll wry11ld noI aru,·c• Jr :--erk lhe:- NdHhlliom•. hilt C' ,11 \cl Sl"l~l" them If th y ,•. ere nfrN'l'<l. " t - 1 s fc)r •• ' '"'.. ) r \.,' "t' ' h . .i •' ',l l I\! • ( (' ! .. 1, . -~ ./ , I.,,. . ,. _, ' . .. s "~ · or C' p,· !i ..,~ r II " ll I ( • I t... ,: -._ t ! :f ! ! ' \• I ' • ,.~ IK(I. '•I' .. •J 'l ' ..., .... •: ,., 1~. •. ·" ( • • ·c •" 'q I ,• l• ( ,'!1,rt J l l i.:, ' 1 ·T il' \' n. .-alise ll1:i t ::,• ' ..1 I 10!1 . \I, IJ II ,cr~•a. ' 11 C! ~,!ll.ltf' i<!lcl ;,. \J) :l{'l ' I tli,\l,, '.JI IIOi iLll) ('~lp uf r,,... 1 h,< J 1 ,..!-C~. 11,, . .~., • \I. , J • 1