Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Pro1ect orch1tect (~ . Roblr, G,b~n) ~aid· " By 198~, Bnsbone will hove o grcxir, nf public. budd•11g~ de\1gned for people ond to allow lull orlv,:inlo e of our "We intend to create an otmosnl,c,c of !I.Oflr1er,,s 111 which greenery, poddond and the river view~ wdl re• place h,gh 11se budd1r,gs and city ugl 1r1e1i,,." Mr. Gib1on, • 6. 1!- o graciuote ,,f Queensland Uni– venity. Tl,e Quttn,land Works Ooporfment will be building authority ond the cost is estimated $42,400,000 on 1974 price,. 1·he plozo and tou,,rotn ooened by the Queen ,.es terdov w,11 r rec:ede !le\'eral ddte,en1 and exciting f,.~,– tures. A 200 0 -seol lyoc: thC'Ofre •~d allow ~erlcrmonce'i of opera, bollcl, and ml1S1col rheatrc. A conre1 I holl will seat 011n1hc-r 2000 on,j incnrrrrole ac-"lu~1•c c•1r111 fnr o,chc-~•ral "' r rk. "lhc pe, rnrminq or!\ cen're ol ,-. -... ii! ho\ e ~l,nps wuh ,;;ooce in, croft d,~ploy!i, b,\ trris arid ,..--1•.,.e lf""urlQC'>, M r. G,o, n said thof 1hr ,;h.i 10 C(H Ondo tree"' nr Sr. Helen's ho;n.ral .... auld be i..c,J1 lcir a do~h ot CCllor, Cultured complex tenders T r1 1 rl r.-. ;,1,~ 1n hr f',ll lNI ~tJf')ll for t hr nrxl s lai;::c Q 11r 1•11 l1111Cl' ~.17 1111 lwn rllltlll',\ I ('Olllplcs. , 1 hf" ~!A 11 \\'n.. k, ,lll<I l lflll •lm ~,flllll-ll4."'r 1:\fr Lrr , n1rl .,·r~1 • 11-rl:I\· h1:-. rlrp,1i·1 mr111 \\ O'tlrl ,·,111 t('nc!en for S',11.J• IH ,,11!1111 t L t• 111'\\ !C'W rl1l,\'~. :--:t.1!.:r IB rn1nhr r11,"r"'1011 11( rn:tcl , nmt ..,rn·irr;; !1 ,1 1 1h, a,,·11 1n ::,:.,, l.th B11!-h,111r tn nrnJ.:r ,my r r 111o1p r 1rnilrl111~,.