Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

WARNING ON 'SNOB CLUB' QUEENSLAND'S new Cultural Centre should not be allowed to develop a, a snob's club, State Parliament was warned yesterday, Mr. Porlc1· (Lib., Too– won~) snlcl he hopecl the culturnl complex belnf built nt South Brisbane would not become an e~– clusl\'e club for a select few. ti\Vc must not allow our cultural centre to foll ,·lctlm to the snob cul– ture cloct,rlne,'' he sold. He s1,okc clu1'ing the sccoud rending debate on t h e Queen lnncl Per– forming Arts Trust Act, Introduced by the Cul– turnl Mfnirs Minister IMr. Bird). Mr. Por:er snlct the trust would be re.1pon– slble for nclminlsterlng the centre and probably would need a subsidy. He predicted It would cost tu,1,nyers nbout SI million nnnunlly to sub– sidise the complex. Mr. Bird snld the Blll •ould set up an Arts rust of nlue members o! whom not fewe r thnn lour woulcl be knoll'I• edgenble nnd esperlrnced In the performing ":·ts. Members would be up• pointed for four years, but half 1he trust \\'Ollld be re-appointed every two years. Mr. Bird said the np– p o In t men ts would be made aller consullntlon with \'arlous people and groups. Mr. Wright (A.L.P.. Rockharnpton) snld the Opposition , upported Ule Bill. but more Informa– tion on what groups would be represented on the trust wns needed. The Bill passed the second rcodln .