Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Th Co 1r i cr 11, i M, r . 25t 1 10 77 ST A. TE officlol1 ore 1011119 their l11itiol 111thu1ln111 .for lrl1bone'1 111w Queen Elisabeth Jubilee fou11toln. 'l'hcy have estimated tt cost• $914.50 to piny the Brisbane Rh·– er rountaln 40! hours a week. State Parliament waa told yes– terday that, as a t'l!sult. the ex– tent or operations alter March 30 was under revlew, The Works Mlnlster f Mr. Lee) said the rountaln'• attraction would be kept ln mind ln thls 'rc– vlew but due regard had to be taken or recurrent costs. Queen Elizabeth switched on the rountaln - commemorating the Jubllee year of her rel11n - durlnr her Brisbane vlslt this month. The rountaln, designed to Jet 60 metres lnto the air, eost $4Jl,000, ' But the infrequency of Its op– eration prompted Mr. Byme 1Llb., Belmont) to ask Mr. Lee In Parliament yesterday why tax– payers could vtew only a "hunk of metal floating· In the river." He asked when 1t would be luliy operational and whether It would operate day and nlght "to 11lve Ute public pleasure and be a source of pride." "The high Jet of the fountain, which will be operating when wind conditlon• are suitable, Is still under testing and ts not op– erational," Mr, Lee said, The estimated running cost of the fountain was $21 an hour, and $25 when mu.,1lnated alter 8 p.111.