Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

FOUNTAI N H !:ART-STOPPER" • 1ve e 0 y ends 0 BRISBANE kept until last the most spectacular of the 1977 Royal visit occasions the Brisbane River cererr onies that fo lowed a brief cruise down from Toowong. A big day for artists QUEEN Eli•abeth yesterday n,et first prbe– wi"11ers i" a child art competit ion that wi l! qo on show i11 major centre! of the State, ,tarting in Bri1bo11e on Monday, 'ht :ill-mlllllt.l! lune– Linn m rhe Gm·crnrnem. Ho•ist- huJlroom WH..-, 011, ol Ll1P n1os1 111r,Jr11ml of .11, •I~•ll()UJ' fwynl visit t.,, H1·i ,'i .J t1.ne , u., lhe Queen ,·haLLCd ruid Joked W!th tJu 1 \'OULh tuJ arLl3L.'i, Queen Ell,a:be,h SIIW the 111 sL. second und t..h1rct prl1e- winnc1·~ in the Sliver Jubilee art ,. mpctlt1on conctuctcd by tile E:.1ucnuon Depnr1- 111en1, 1.lwoui::h <~l11?cn~– ••1na st·hools, M.LLl'hClllli ·1000 em rle,. 'l'h"'e p11ln&lni;1 and ~·on \.he seotl( 11 h.u r1~h1 yearb anrl tlnder ,lusr– ti,at Lhe North ~ .,l'f'n•• Jnnd wet. Wl th her iJH..lll· In~ whlch hll<1 to re11cl1 Ml. I sa from her IAJnlly's 1:--11llued gra:t.in ~ 11rupN 1.,y, L n n I f e r Slat.Ion, 11~i\r WlOLon. Her mother, Mrs. Joan . Little, sntd Chr»tl11r. hn~ !1n1~hect t.he pa1111 11 ,:- ju:-.l LWO '1h)'S befo n• Lh1• clu~• Ill~ rihLe - nuct 111,,· II, rntncd t.he mall u11:1'1 nc,1. h1l\ e ie !t. the proµtrt..y for J\ WC'ek l\t leK.S1.. nlhr.rs rrum rh~ (•om. T he tiny School nf thr 11ollllon will be dlopl~ycd Atr l>lll 11, who wt!I 1101, 111 the Quet.l!.sh,nd A.J,&... --n\ceL her t.elu!h cr Mtss Oallery from ~fiihdaf"af- Ann Reid unlit " sports' lffnoonb•nd later n 1 lfl 111 dny ltt "1 t. bu !1l Mny on 1011,~ t.n t..he Stale'" r·.,. cuuld not. c:onu.1.m he1 ;,f•lf ilnnrt.l trluca1.lon cenL1·e11. when hr. Quet'" 11rf" -..."l- C"flSLh1c Lit .1.le, 7, who t.trt her $50 vnuL:net pJ·11,e. There was a heart-stopping moment for State tour organ iser whon Queen Elizabeth pushed on electric switch to turn-on the new fi ver fountain. Ru t\.S .. he Dl"Pllt} I'l'Cllllf'lr ,m "r!'f.'IISt rnr l\1r l\.nnx , he!-ILut.ru - UJ!I er ,I :": whr.tJH·r I" n p l 'lf ~W,t.f'h A,, prod J1•111Qr ll - 1t ttd t1..".i ? r11we Pluhp lm•kt:rt :1.ppri"• ht•n, h·r ly 1\." 111.11 \\lie, wntcr >il.ar •nd r unhrni '1'1)0! ltl!' td ,5 RO mclr!!S 1 1•11n u,, rii.,t-1· han .. 'l11e rch..:cinnt, fO\Jll Ldtn 't\r11.~ tne only olJvtou.c; h11ch In • Roya µro- 1.:ri~mmf' ho wr:1t off hke clockwork - f\nrl hRd such enormous crowd RJlJ)eat that Stute Of• !lctuls werr ctell~hlod. T h C J O U II t 1<1 n will reuch 7fl mcr.t·es wtten fullv OJ)CJ'all\'e. 'l'hc r ,\'f'I :wene yesler• c1u~• Wit"\ amuztng. More thnn Hiu puifcc were n \'1cLUrin Bridge io co • trul tlw crowds. "fhou-ands lln•d It e north bhuk - nmf "'I • houlled f1,:m ·t',i cruwdt d runt•tops UJ1 ,uul 10 \\ 1 . , lt-ram - 1u1~, n·. fu r ""•Y •• lll~ h .u, 11111. The Qucc11 hnd P rtrw? Pt11l1p cru ,,erl fl rim r,, • w1111 ~ <111 thr l11 Li1 1 ~worr1r1~J 11\\tWrl h• 1 U. I . H. l:ir.ltUIIIRl\ll, They were given a cheer• lni send-off by specta– tors. The Mines Minister , Mr. Oan1111 , st.oo IJl for the 'T'OUl'1Hn1 !\,llllSLPr 1Mr. H OdRCS ' - I.I Wllh t:Juckcu-pox - ,...., lir c.".~ueen'°' t"'.-,cciJ·t. ,,n wt river Cl:urnc. Mo1·e Jmn JOO color• fully daoon, ted i:raft 101 - low,,d S" orurlsh dOWII• btrr,u1· lO ~ ht"' ponlvo11 11 e 11 r V l('l.w'lt'- Bridge, wllcre t lw Royal Pftl'LY !JLeJ>JlCd • s :1.in • on tht· ,ou1.h b i1.nk ltl be 111et. by \tr. Rnd M !'·"· K llOX. , traw hat with white lln• lnr and while flower~. :-t11 w Lh~ flr.st . "1aAet. nt tlu· ~41 mllllnn c•ultu1·al i•11,nplr1x - a. lanrbt"..aptd rhl'rhunk ,md walk,v Shr had thlll tA/h,lnK wlUt t, toumnln Lo st.a1, ,,t,e h•d namnct Queen Eltz•beth b1lce f'nuntaln". "You·rt lucky tl "ii ~d w11Sn:t htowtna the 1'ther w.,y," Prince Phlll1 Id Mr. Knox wlih nn • l• or Lhe numerous era.ft r,uL.. i,ered around the r \ er'a' 11ewe.sL 1mtl most str d ng rocal 110111t T he 1·1 v er r a ft !iOI .1dcd hoot1:1'b , 1 si.. re11s f\S the f .italn came il,to plHY, al ~r Mr. I{ 11 r, ~ had ll)'d the Quern : "1-lcre will be Ollf or the most adv1111ljlfd ~~'.~tre: ~~,u~~~ira1f~ljttral RiveraId• cultural complex, P, 5; ln- 1tant lawn, P. 9; Duke'• yacht wl1lt, P, 10.