Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

You put a 20c coin in the slot, step hark and .• , whee ! ... up shoots a 60 metre jet from the river fountain. Terrific! With a off the c u It u r a I f u n In drenchlnr b i t of lurk you centre site, passing boab and might see a ,•atfish, [The Works Min- ro"·lnr rre"'S. Plnst.lC' an f'el or a beer can Isler, Mr Lee, has re- raincoats would be Junled for a few p O rte d that the standard dress for momrnb on top of $431,000 fountain passlnr rravel barre the Jet, costs $914 a week to crews. What entertain- run.] A nl,:ht session mt'nt! Beats a tatty The costs are re- with the Jet rould old tune on the Juke ported to be slosh- d a m p e n a few box, or a cr:11,y elec- Inc down the en- romamies as rou11les tronk drive on those thuslasm o f t b e snu1t1tled on the rlnr coin mar h Ines whole thlnr, bank. around the ,hoppinr But paylnr l'IIS- Rut some poor old «'t-ntres, tomer Involvement metho topers could Thr water Jet for eould cut the costs. find thl'm~t'lns with 20r Con windy days A coin machine an adulll"rated mur you call It a slop attachment to the of white drath, ma,•hlne1 l'OUld be a fountain w o u Id Still, these minuses splash hit, l'reate a new Jet !'let, are not sufflrlent '41 It could ease the Kids could whip squelch the Idea, flnanl'ial burden of over the river and State Cab In et rtmnln1t the State spurt away for an should ronsid<'r It, Govt'rnment's Queen bour or two, There'11 an advan- Ellzabeth Jubilee Df'ft manipulation hl1te In watr.rinr fountain In the rlvrr of rolns could "'"ate down fountain r.ost,, Don't make Brisbane •just another eity~' f f AM In whole- hearted arreement With Dean George• • comment. about Brll• bane (C.-M., March 21). The ~'I 'Nil ID Ule nn Cullunl Cen~ wu a wonderflll oeaaloa, ud t.he wrn1111 cm or UI• roua– t.an I.II Ula me, WU, IO - · a 1,mbol al 1111 futur9 fll. 11h11 ... t Dff Cultural C.ntra 111d r,f UM rh• la uia-otllnlbut. Tb• model ot the Qlltur• al Centn"II ffT'/ nclt.lnt Ind~. I reel 111ra that from tllt moment th~ Art Oallery, and the re1t.aurant, which an to bi u,, f!nt 1ta,u or the proJeet, an completed the centre '11'111 become 1, IHI Offltre of the city IIDd Will become mnre and mora 10 u It nears completion. Thll Cl@nt.re will really be 1omethior or which Queemwtd can be t.ru11 proud , , , nry well worth ..-.ltlnr tor, and a proper compliment lo our Queen.1• l&nd peoplt, and to our ea.pita.I en, cm I.he llrla– bana JI.IYW, Howsra&tlllto- 111ch u• 111tn1 mtlde of our rlftnlde ai-ea. The Cit,J' l!lquan la a 10,ely a.rea. too, and - ea.n - hOw much it i. apprtelaUd by the rrut UM to which n II put aL I.II tlmn. I n a II J' love Brtl• b a n • , , . Ila bulldJ.nll, rarde111 u,d tnfl, and t.be lovely rivar willdlnr throush It all. Dean o.o,,. llltlfl~ t h • nmntnr lff arebl– t.ectural compeUtlalll for 1tylu that 11H npeclallT 1ulted to BrlsbaDL I Ub t.hla IUIIIHilDD, and tllla Ill'" wltb hll IUIIPOff tor tree-lined.,_ Ill UII clllr and · far ·..u I.ha & mu• Brl.lbane thl OU!dOOl'I oon: lldoua city It II. l!!'Ver7on• IIIUlt auppoit fflOYH that lncr!UI tbne lldvant.&,el, and 1r.ranr1,. oppoeetllaltha&dlmlllllll them or t.and 1o mu• Brll• bane JuU 11111 any 0lh!'l' cltJ. - fMn.l Marpre& P,,rMe, Nlndtolnllab .._ lleaudeMft. JN some .~trnn~r WI\Y In the last month RrlsbRnr., as a city, srrms to have come of Th• n,wBI ,-i-11 hnr1 ~flfllflt,hln11 '1n tin wilh It 1111rt. mc1rrr1. m11ny hA\'f' rr ~ nrn rkrt1 upon I hr t rr• 111rnf'1n111~ (')f'Rll•llll 11nrtrr– f;1kf111 h)' 1hr Clly Cn1111rtl for thfl' ncrn~lnn. nn,. nr thr nu,~, ~plr11 - r11r11.,· nr~Rlll"iN1 fl\'f'nl~ ln n r I ir. h "n r · ~ hi-.iorv tnnk 1>lnrr \\'hPn t hr Q11rr11"b 11'1 C"111f111·RI Crnl.1·, w:1.~ nlft .. rtnll)· npr.11rt1 h,\' 111ft Q11rr11. 1hr nr't\· f1111nrn111 111 111ft r1,·,r turnrt1 nn, 11nrl thfl 5:r,-nl J 11hll,..,,. Jl1rtl11ln,· h•"lX hnr~I nprn In rr.litR.!P hnn• r1rrr1~ nr hnllnnn~. The ot!rntlnn tn rlr!Ril w1ih whlrh 111" pnrllr11lar r11nrtlon wn~ nntA1w,rr1 r11d KrPRL crtrllt to 1hr Orpnrl• tnt"nl nr Wnrk~ 1uu1 the Ar– chll,r.t. of thr r,rnlrrt. 11 wn.11; "·~ tmr,rP'-~lv.- nn nrrn~t,m tt~ 11nv J hfl\'fl ~r,n an.\'where In th• wnrlrt. Th• llllAJinRllnn with whirh t,hr Qnr•n·• •rrll·•I 1•1• Iii• rll·rr "'"" Jll•nnP<I. lhP ., 11. 111~ nf t.h• cerPmnnlBI rtn t.•.