Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Brisbane coines of age JN ~omp stmngr way In the IR6t 1110111.h RrlsbAnr., A.~ a city, srrms to 111\vr come ot Th" n,wnl ,,1-..u hnr1 ~nm,-JhlnR' tn rtn with II, llm1, 111tlrPr1, ntlln~· lu\\'r rr – nmrkrrt 11111m thr I rr. 111rnr1n11~ rlrn11 • 11p 1111tlrr – l~k,11 h\' 1hr Clly C111111rll for thl' ncrn~lnn n11, nf thr rnn-.t ..-,plrn• rt1r1h· nr~Rl111-N1 l'\'f'tll~ Ill rtr li. hRnr • ~ J11, 1nrv lnnk l>IArf' WhPn 1hr Q11r1•11, l.111r1 r111t11rnl Crnt.r,. w:1!> ntrt– rlnll.,· npr11rrt h,· lhfl Qur,.11, rhr llf'\\' f1111n1n111 111 11,,. ri\'itr turnrr1 nn. llml th,. '-!"""' J11h1INt n1rlhrll1\ ht1x h11r~1 nprn lo r,.IPRSP hun – rt rrri,111 nf hn llnon~. Thr. Rlfrntlnn In rtrtn1l ~•ilh whlr h !hi~ pnrl1r11l11r f11nrllo11 WA~ nrizn1111-,irl rt1<1 lfff'Rl.rrrrtll In 1hr l>,.pnrl– mrnl nt Wnrk~ fUH1 t hr. Ar– chtt,rt nf th, prolrrl. II WA~ " ·" itnprro;~h·, nn orc·n.,1,111 a~ ,un· r hf' \'ft ~r,.n nn,\·whttrf In thP wnrh1. Thfl 11l1R,rin11llon w1t.h whu·h t.hr Qu,.. n·~ f'rrh 1 111.t \'h\ thP rt\'rr wu plnnnM. thr ~11- 111~ nt th, Cfrl'mnnhtl rln L", (L'~ A Christian Point of View ~ BY DEAN GEORGE 1hr 11,.11111.,· nr lhp rnplrtl~• 1n.,1nllr1! anrrlrn, ""rt th, PlrCH llrf' 11f ,11,. ~rrRI lfltll, w1J1rh 1n ll hr AV1dlAblf' rnr 111!111\' l11!11n • nrcR...UII\~ WP.A !ii-nm,•111111~ J hA\'I' not ex• prrlt-nr11rt In Brl ~b111.ne be• rnr,. * nut lhNPo \\'A~ mnrfl' thnn th1,c, A~1\111 s.-.nrhow thfl C 11 ~ 1'11\7.R 1\1111 1(111,r CiNW~r ~111.1rr rR..mr In llfr n~ Ihr I"'rf'I M1t\ nr 11"-hrrrrl rllr Q11r••n !hron)lh the nnwrt n11tt rnln. w.. hAl'P ,111;\Jfhlf'III\' AC'· r,ilin•rt tl\'n 11rw fn1111ln1m,. WhPn 1hr C"llv Pln1.1t rni111• tnl11 I!- ,•n11111lf'lf' 11 wlll hp nnnthrr r xrllm5? A~!llrt In th11 c11 \', Thr whnlr rnrtrrpt or 1hr pl:11;1 HtHI 11~. rir.-.h:n rlorr. lhf' r1t.y AIUt RrrhJtHIA crrrllt. ArflAA nf lht" rlfy ! Now 111 thr Um, In mn,·P, Th, nrw C1t \' Hflll Art n111Jrn I~ "nn! hrr rrrHt, "''f'Jlll'-ltlrm 1111\·r!lf'd th1~ 111nnll1 Thi,; ~mAJI 11nlll"ry n( hla-h ,-tnnr1Hrrl • ·1II r n• Ahlfl nlRllY n,nrp lm1l0rtnnt fl:Chlh1ttn11,; tn hr frRturrrt 111 lhf' f'flntrr nf 1hr rlly 0 11r ~11•111 ,1· nr Ill• I• rlrrl– nnrl\· 1n1nro\'lt1'1'.. H n \\'l'\'f'l , II I"- lltnfl In lnkr , tork \Vhll" Ih1• r1111:h for llfl\l. h111lrll11R,., 1-. ,~mJVt – rnrllr :11 n t;fnnr1-.1111 ia11rt 1111r · r;in 11nlv !ii-yrnp:,1111, r " 'llh 11rorr-..'-lon~ nnrl ln– r111~tr1r1- 111frr,rd h\' llw: 1 \\'fl ,111;li,1111r1 nc.k 011r~rl\'P~ .,n111r n, .,· "f'11rrhln51: ff11f"'~• tti-ns nbnnt whnl 111Akr~ thr rhnrnrtrr nf fhp, C11r or f\ri.11:hn11,. Ttwrr 1-. n unlnur rl•l\'1111r J1hf'\11t """hAllP. fL I~ 1hP nnlJ lrr,plrRI r ll~• nr rrnl 1'l7r In A111:lrnlln J1 rir1r~ hll\'fl A unl1111r lnr11Rf'nn11~ ~tvl, nr rlnmP,11:ltr ftrrhl• tri•111rr JI rtnrc; hR\'f' • Our lilinrlr depend, on 1/10 l'roodom nf ,,.,, p,.,., and rltar ,annal be liml1e,I 10llhoul beln• 1011. - Jeffer1on. Perforllling arts spaee T HE State Government should listen to Sir Vernon Chrlstle's criticism, and look again at the capacity of the auditorium proposed for 1hr. performing- arts centre In the $45 million Queensland cultural comples In Brisbane. The Australian Ballet Foundation and Ellzab~thnn Theatre Trust Director says with room tor only 2000 people, It will be too small. The costs ot mounting the lavish ballet and opera productions that wlll take place there mean much Jnriier box-orrtce returns WIil be needed to mnke Brisbane perform- ances vtnblc. · Bir Vernon says without Accommodation for 4000 people, and certainly not fewer than 3000, the Brlslmne rrntrr Just wlll not, be big enou~h for large-s.culc,opera and ballet com- panlrs. · With the proJe~•tlll In the develop– ment stnRe, there .sh e time tor the State Government to rnll toltl her the experts ns– soclatrd wllh lls plnnnlng to have another look Rt their proposals In the ftlce ot Sir Vernon's expert crlllclsm. There hnve bern too mAnY examples of short-slRhtr.d plnnnlng. The cultural complex project should not be another. 11nl~11• k111rl nf frl,n<illnr" anrt 011t1lonr~ ronl'clou.11:n,~~. All thr,r lhlni.• n••rl In hr bt1rrw 111 mind M wt- rn• ,., th• IIPS L And rruel•I phlll't" of rlr.\'rlopmrnt of th, clt.\' for II c11ntury. l.rl 11111 nnt hA\'fl Dr1~hRn, fnll('l\\'lnll I llf' "'"Y of fl\'f"ry nlhtr ltllflrnHllflfULI ril)', * It ••1111ld hP t.roulr If In Jn Yf'IRr1' nr ~O vrnr~ w, lonkrrt •I Rrl, h•nr •11rl rmmrl It llnprni;~lhlf' In ril!<.thiRlll~h If rrom an\· nthrr rlt~• In th1~ rn1111lr.,· nr 111 \\'r.111;trr11 11R• llnn~. ThHI I~ lhP v.·n~· lift Arr hr:trl1111it nnct lhRt is thr t r,111rndn11, eh1ll•nire bo· fnrf' 1.u . /\ ,1.,1 In rnr!'f 'rl.ln ~ lhl, \\'1111lrt bf' In rnn cnm– pr11t1nn~ fnr Arrhlt.flrturnl St)'lr, ~•hlrh N'ril'CI flr l•– hnur AtH1 nrl~hAnt" Binn,. i'n innkfl nu r cit~· f.hfl n1n.11111 hrnu11r11tl.v fnlln~,ct Rllcl frf't•-111,rd rlfv In AU~· f,mliH tt'Ollld hr in kflf'pinR 'A'llh ni1r h1~01rhrnl lrnpltAI r11\'lrnnm,nt. All lhr.., lhlnr, u• pos– ·•lhl• riven th• conl'f'm. Wt •rr. I think, It a em,-,. rnArt~.