Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

something to -·-•--"·~·-··- .,,... NO'l' a flying saucer at South Brisbane ~rcslcrrla~·., but lhe ornamental foun tain Roon to change the Rl"isb1111e fth·er 8CClle nenr Victorin Brirlf.!c. 'f'he I.op seclion waR co1·crcd. Th e foun ta in will h ave nine jelR to :\0 metres a nd one of 7fi metre:'\. It is part of t he first s tage of lhc cultu ral complex at S"uth Rri shano. BELOW: How the fountai n will look ll'hen turned on. when all hut the LOil is submerged orf the south bank. ,. • • 1 ' ' 7 \ I l I ...i ' .; 1 1,..,.J . make a