Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Land swap to seal big city projects STATE Cabinet it Hpected to approve tomorrow a land exchange deal which will make way for Bri1bane'1 third big public square and aUow work ta ,tart on the south bank cultural centre. The deal calls for the State Government to give the Br isbone City Counc il its old Forestry Deportment bu ilding in Ann Street. In return the eounctl would hand 01·" P'l!h Lane and som@ ~urrnund– tng lanrl In Sou h Bm– bane to th, Oo1·ernmtnt. Thtl .,-ould ollow th• 0 o ,. e r n m e n L to ,wt .-ork on the foundallon ond a car park tor the S60 mlllton State cultural eenl.N!. Tend e r1 have been called for the Job. but the Government cannot ac– cept any until It o.,-n, Fish Lane. a narrow thoroughfare ruMtng parallel to Peel Street and Melbourne Street. The caunctl ll'OUld rle– moUsh the Ann Street Fnrestry bu1ld1nr ond u.,e the land for its proposed Cathedral Sqn&r11 proj– ect. ThU would be an open public square with an underrn,und car park limllar In concept to the exlltl n I Ktnl Oeorp Square. Cau..lnl Square la olatted for de-.elapment alter tlle .UDe 1!4iuare pn1Jeet I • ftnllhed, poul– btr by 1979. After Cathedral Squor9 !I completed, Brisbane would ha,•e thl'M bll public open space areu. The submlsaton to be put to Cabinet In Towns– vllle tomorrow follows nesottat1ons between the Lon d I Minister <Mr. Tomkins) ond the Lord Mayar (Aldennan Blee– man l. Room l o ,- the people no yuu rer111• mtlrr lhr. n rt hT ·s Im • prcs~lon or 1l1 t c u lt u ra l l:t' III l"I' 10 IJ,, t;'"t d f"ruii ~ \t h. r . •: tl l' IJa u k ' 1 !t .:i -,:-,·.,tr • l ;1,~k W!t.\ ~ ll, ,t' J ~ ..., 1u!rt r-,ia "' 11:r~Rt 1ncn. Uo1~ r, r 1,1,•, ,·"·<•ri.~ ~•t ri ,.. 1, ~ f11r f.lJllll lt':. fllt, '1114 p.i:nu11i.:,. ..r .il p: \1r!, i.:: ... r·~- 1 t r t 11 ·. ·t J. tt 1d !' @, etnn1a (1111,0lJ..,, f,,(H.l ,, t .. 11.:,. Jt .,,,,uM c1,mp!Ln .f!nt the ,nnrf • ustl'l'l' JII-Ol)O&lld ~t'~/.l~f1'~ crc~:'. 1~, w1~./!:~~'1d a 1: re I y ap;n'f, '•:.le the chsru·1.1 to hir.nr ! prnJr , .. 1t.,1r.a l Willi \)II•, ,plr. :t , l1ltt1re. tr t.,o ncton 1111rt ra ·1a ChU 1ltflr.on1u ··pttYcm,·111.. r 11t.. lure" tu lh bu., ~· J' n•,1.1 111y ftnd nlijilt, !l\l1 ~ly It'> a 11"-I t<J 0 1 hu11nt t l,IH \\,\J c1 .. 11 t do t!le ~ mt Nurnia I hMIII"'" • Juliette ~lr••', l i11:,•11frtlu1~!1. City land • swapping lrl••••• Citf Cou•cil this 1ft1r•11• will pl • f ih ,.,, I• •• in,port1•t lud 11chon11 d11I with the ...,. Go,.,.......,. The deal -..111 l'ffl!O\'e maJor Obstacles to the Oovenunent pion for a Q u e e n I J an d cultur&l centre on the 10Uthalde and the council pion for a Cathtdral squore on the corner of Ann and Bowen Street,, The councll wlll gire the Goremment land 1t owns at t'lsh Lane. South Brisbane, lo be part of rite cultural centre sne. T h e P re m Ier ,Mr. BJelke-Petersen , hu told the council that the Ann and Bowen Street lite Will be tranaterred to the council when vacant poa.. Ml6IOII I.I aY&ilable,