Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

to get $8mil The lu4tlf 11loc1IH "''" than SI fflillio• tar culturol ectiYltln ••4 4•• •tlapmonl workl I• the Stott, ~ This represen t.s an In• crease ol mon, than t 1 m 11 11 on In allocaUoN made last year. A total ol t 2.400,000 has been pro,1ded lor granta 1.o,,ards operating costa of cultural orpn– lMLtiona, and t2,600,000 for further d,-·elopment of the Queensland OU!• tural C4!ntre, Sout.h Bria• bane. Sub s idies totalllnr Sl,400,000 are ~ted to be paid OD tbe COit of cultuNl centra llllder constructic)D by local rovemment authoriUN at Townsvllle, Rock· hanrpton, Oymple, Bt.an– thorpe, and BlloelL . In add!Uon, '800,000 hu been provided for the newly establlahed Queen&lalld 1'llm Corpo• raUon. MaJor rranta to caltur– a I Ofl&nbatlona are: Queensland Theatre Company, 1357,000; QUeensland Ballet Com• pany, f220,000; Queen&• land Opera Company, '205 ,ooo ; Queenaland symphony Ol'chestra. f 180,000; Queensland T h e a t r e Orchestra, S 150,000 : Queensland Arta council, 1213,000: Orchestra servtcea Fund, Sl85,000; Twelltb Night Theatre, tll0,000 (recur• rent>. oth!r RT&nt.s to cultur– al organJsaUons Include: Queensland Festival or the Arts. 163,000; wa– rana Festival, f63,000; B r t s bane Repertory Theatre, 126,000; Brll· bane Art• Theatre, 120,000; Ballet Theatre o! Queen a I an d • 116,000 ; Queensland Modem and Contemporary Dance Compar1y, 112,000; North Queensland Ballet and Dance Soetety, $17,000; Queensland Youth or– chestra, '23,000; Qul'fflS• land Light Opera Com• pany, 130,000; Australian Fl y lnr Art School, a 16 , ooo: Institute or Modern Art, $17,000; North QUeensland Con– aervatorturn of Music, S2 8 , o O o: Queensland Band Aaaoc l a t lon, $13,000: Toowoomba Cul– tural Co·OrdtnaUn1 As• aoclaUon, $16,000; Jamea Cook Htatorlcal Museum (Cookto"'Tl l, 126,000, Oranta also have been made to - The Aus– tralian Ballet, $55,000; National tnsUtute ol Dramatto A~ l&()()O; Auat.raltan Ballet School, l&OOO: AUatrallan Ell• zabethan Theatre Trust, '38,000; The Auatnllan Opera U0,000; National Trult (General), 914,000, Jn tta Budret, the lltate Government alao allocated St20,073 to the Qu1tn1land Muaeum, and $444,433 to the Quetnl• l1nd Art Oulery, for worklnl cost&. THE AllTS : Queen•· Th• cultural cent"' 111r.c• ~IMlnO!- 111 • 1:1" I\ hend Will accnmmorht.lfl Lhe 1 of rx,pulttuc,,-., r,n ,n111- Quernsland Art. O P.Ill-I'}', 'IJIJl'lU:~ l 1 \t' Mt~ f\l\d C'.U~- U1l! Q Ut't"nslarid ~, u~rum LurM.I urL:\·1t:, .., t:rnn 11ny anc1 the Performun,: Arl1 1,,1 ,,,.r s 1.atr. C•·ntrt . - r•,e 1,,u1 maJor rtr,·el- I \\"e wlll romplete lhe r pm..ntJ1. u, thf '\rt., ,u., t~nl... to nn1ure th11t 1,r nf"\\' rvi.Jrt•n·•l11nt1 r 1,1" 1 Ou<"••n!lllandt•~ 1lf.. .- hi~ 1.n,1 e,n1,r11 on lhf r1v,,r •,1 ••nJn1 "urlcf•d ».-· h1U1\... Al. Nl•1t..ii Ur ,,ti;tt"P, I tl,1t Uun11 t hat ,,t 1,,•r~ 1:,,1· k r1d t.hr P:oil 1-1,h \•~t11nor1: , , 1 '"1uld hy-pa~!'I Lh•• :--1.Ah' 11 f! Q u('Pl\.'i nr11t F il1•1 \ 11111• lO latk of 1Mlr1.11.111,Le• ,.."".orpnrtL'.I '"' . 111,•Ullie!I. 19-Nov 1977 -[u]filffi~IBmffi- Australia ABOVE: Mrs. B1 w,1h the braillt BLIND Cl c~ 'S '.\l iMEHOL'~ C' l11 ld n•n 11\'l' and ll'111 lll'\'l' sky. n ra111 bo , :,eliOII' 1110011 OH :"\Ell' tD0.