Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

on Tourists g e 11 in g chuclcle from sign on Bribie Island main road advertising latest in country clubs "Sandny Downs". • • • Callan Mlnlaler, Tom ewllery, mo•lnr lhortly lo olflc,ee on 1blh no. of Comalco Ho– wW lllellllly be allle lo D'Nl'llok hll wvrlr. Cullanl Centre ander collltncUoa oa Ute oUler aide el the llrtllbaae Kher, Be'U need to lr.eep ht. •1• front - a peelr. 1o t'he aide rn• ·• Mrd'• eye 'flew of rnofto, nlmmlnr pool In Oa~ WIY Ina.