Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Centre delayed Dlfllcultlff io lad tteoofer treoo1ctl••• with the 1,1ti..01 City Couocll 4111yd th1 Q-•tled Culturol C1otre'1 -• 1ttuctl" 11ho4ule. Traffic arranirements for the area nlso took longer than expected to complete. The lint report or the Queen g I and Cultural Centre TruaL &aid Lhla ye•terday. The report •aid the 11 roblems appe,md to Ji ave bttn overcome. Further cont racta ahould be awardl'd soon. 11 said the trust hoped to conronn to Ule Oov• emment e8UmMed over• all coot of S4~ million. The anticipated corn• pletlon dates arc : Art l{llllery tlnclUdln~ park, auditorium and re,tauranLl, June 1980; performing arts cent.re , June 1981: museum, De• «mber JP82: llbrary De· cemher 1983. Arts centre is· 'far too smcilf '. By DAVID ROWBOTHAM ,. I QUEENSLAND still seemed intent on building a perform– ing arts centre which would be totally inadequate for major commercial productions, Mr, Michael Edgley • aid in Brisbane yestc,rday. " A venue which will scot little more than 2000 people al the proposed Queensland Cultural Complex on the Brisbane River's south bank is quite unbel ievable to us," he said, "A II t h1t mur, ,:n t\"hr11 ln r·:,• •·111rrt:ih1111,11l rrn– tn · huld '11•: 1m 1,, llllOfl nr1111le urr l11•1111: moul l'cl ,1r :-:·,urh Au,1r.ll1:1. \"1r– t111 ..,. nnli Nr11 South \\1;1lt-1"," ~II· F'r1 !II'~ 1~ f'l1111r111111\ 111 \f.1'11: l'I J·'.11 It•\ lnlt r• 1·a11l11111l Pt,· 1.1,1 'n11'-'' rr– ~:mtnt ui. An.~t.r:t llh\ Ill·.:• 1:L', t fhf1Rl rirnl f'11lrq1riP.C, ·,.Ith :rn n111111•• I l11r11nrtr ut 1111 lo ~:lO 1111111011. lfi t'llllp,nn . Ill :IH I""' ch1lln11 ,:Hh nlh,ir f'lltre• 11',.llflHU , h 11~ h 111•1 •II• lo nr1 ~b n 11r tlie ~lo~rn•· \,rrw: nn Irr. IIIHl~r thr Ri• Tn11 1! \'trturlo l'lrk, . :!ft 1: 1·:h,•1tl' t"inrh 1• ... ,t•r •·r111 lrnl Thr1tr1111 Com• Jl'tll\'. al. Iler MnJc.;l)"a 111Palrf. 'f lt" F:,, ,1,.,. ,.11,rr11r?.• 11,unol nrconl,ntlun, tl• lhrr lnrtrp~11<t,.11tl,\' ur tu n••ur,lnllnn •·tth nlhtll, 1•"11 h:1 •·r hrPn r,.. po11- s1hlt tnr 1111p11rl mu nt 11•• I I:! Ol'f'1'•1•.1, 01111111 · p:11 n1•ti 1111(1 ShflWS 11110 A1.• 1 r;d111 111 r 1:1 : l 'l";j.j!', ,,,. l·.~:r..- sahl hi, l'lllllft.lU\ , hlflflfl1•d ... ,· hi, •~llwr. thr l:,tr t:rlr t·tt. : I 1• , . 01· l'r1·th, hail ,...,............ GIIIHt arll,tl\ In Au,lrallA. In thr ln""t '!If 1·r • rs and ,mplo)·•d lflfll pt-11111,.. ~,..,. 'fhP. Cn'11pllll'.\' hnr1 now r n 111 111 I l l r t1 11..!!rll to prr..-r t1l111~ •ton 111111tn11 •·nrIh nf f'n lrrt ainm,nt– prllfl11 t ln Australia u,, tn 1!182. II Cfl\'er,d I • •hnle r:u1::,. o( rn1rr1 ainmrnl - rirru11, thttnt~. orwr11, h r, It,. l . 11111"1r u.l,o;, ruf'lk r111trrrll', rluon. orrhN• h :1oe - lro111 "'""Y 01·rr- 1t:1~ COlllltri~. "Of rn11rM1 lht! cnn, – r,ani· aim• t,:, m1kr 1 prnht." Mr. F:d~lr.)' ,nltl " flut. rmmtlinirs •·e hn\·e tn nrl',.111 profit 111nr~l11~ AC: luw M Ill Jlrr c,nl or lhf" t1,rnl •·ro,1" ,.alt•s. "Thr1·e I• alwR1·• s•U•• rur1mn In n ilna1wh1I i,.111·rr•··" nut "-'P r.et a tr, .. 111f1111101,-. J11:\t ,~rncllon nut. nl .,m11elh111~ rise - th•t I.~ 111 hr111i..:111": lo A•1~tru• lln 1hn•·• •·hlch mllllnnA or Auttrull111111 .-ould lll'\'flr nthPr•·IM lee, "If It •hnuhl hi! .... Iha! I hlfl! .. ,n.11 -– Iii·,. In llll"oraltnr l1rre ont,rt1lnlllf!nt ... 1,., ,....., "'' ,,,...,. II lllal .,, ,..tlt•h -- 1•1141 to -.ath,h a lot •f l•Hl•t,."