Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Another • issue, another battle Sleeman an Knox in cit land dispute By CHRIS LANSDELL Deputy Premier and Treasurer, Mr Knox, today accused the Brisbane City Council of reneging OIi promises of land for the city's new cultural centre. ~lr l<nox ,11id the l:ind. I he M11n l1AII UII Wnlk urrn llnd th, r iver bnnk 11or1 Ion. w:i.s to be coded h\' Ihr council as a ges– tllr, towards the dt: \ cl- 01t111rnt or 1hr centre. "'l 'hl.ir ; proml~e recogni– sed the lilet 1l111l In re– turn. th, o\'crRII lnrout would result Ill more 1,i1rklnnd of murh bet tcr q'IAlil)' ror the 1,eopie or Drlsbnnfl' to enj oy,·· Pttr 1.;,rnx snid. Now. 5Rld Mr Kno,. ll •11p j t1rrd lhf' C'Otlfl('il would not go through ~·Ith thodr11I. "I Rl'knowledgt' thn l 1hr n1Hrt'111rn1 on the es – chnni:;r or la11d wn s nol f nrmallY presC'nlcd In y, ritinu." Mr l<nox SKI et . " lllll ll hns bN•n un– dtrstocd lor somf" ycnrs lhRI it rolh•rted 1hr pol– lCT of thr Brisbane Cit.y Cnunrll. "Now It Ap(l('Rr., the nrl•bane Cil)' Counrll 111ny hnrr dtc1ctrd not to 1mrrnt this pollry. "II tlus Is lhe ense, 111,n t urge 1hr currrnt L<trd Mn)'or I Aid. Sier– man, and his o l<lermen to "con,ldtr the sll u– nt lnn." Tht ctnl rt will CMl 1 hout SO:? 1111111,,11 Ill r11r• rent ,·ulues. WSork Ls •chcdutr.d to be~ln on the superstructure by the be– gtnnlnµ or July this ycor. IL will provide A new nrt ~•llery, museum, II• hruri· nnd performing art~ lhcatrt'. "Surely nl this late • l n I s l n ~ e' el'erythln" should be done by ntl 1111rt.ir.s to sec tlm the orld nul concept or the ttr O j CC t IS CB r r IC d thrn,11:h," Mr Knox snl'1. ' ' 'I' h n l Include, the hnnr11nJ? m·er of lund orl~inn lh· promloed." Aid. Stccmnn said he dlrl not wnnt the matter to he rtsolvcd by ex• chnn~r• In the modlo. lie sn irt he fell the I•• 1,ur !!-hnutc1 he discu~st>tl nt thr Pl'O[lot IHCI or In• t e r-1?0\·en11nentnl reln– l 1oni. nnd ~IIO'CP.Slt!d A 111ectt111: 9.'ith tlU! Prr– mlrr, Mr nJclke-rctcr– ~rn. !\.fr Knox nnd ~m·– ernmcnl, oHlclnl!\ be nr– rnm.:ed as soon as JlOfi• sihle. F.nrli,r this wcrk, Mr Knn:< 11nd Aid. Slccmnn c I R 1' he d over Grunts Cnmmi.slon rundlng to eo\'er los!\f~ tncurn-d by Bn., bnne City Council's Trnns1>0rl l)(tpartml:!nl. Alc1, Hlre1111111 olRimrd 1hr commission hnrt gl\'– en lhe Rlnlr GO\'l'l'lltllenl s2:1 111111,011 s11rrlllcn1t.,· l corttr thr lrnnsport drbl s , b u I l h P co,·ernment •·oulct i,nss on onlr Sfi m 1111 on this llnunclnl yenr. Mr l(nox rr11IINI thnt I htt m onttY frumlhe Grants Conun1sslon wn.,;; gh·en to t htt ,o,·rrnrncn l wllh no strln~s nllnr.hed ns tn how It should b ~1ient. QUEENSLAND CULTURAL CENTRE i i' • 1:H1;t.! IION m-· 1)1 1: 1:NSI..A ND CUJ..TUHAI. CENTm : ,\ Ill GJ\1.1.1-:U\" 161 ,\fi l: I D t 11lBP OSIT ON DOCH· \ICN IS S l(K_),000 1 Urlsh,tnc, lriSOI <,.6 7 HI NOl'I: 1'11AT rn:m51 UAT ION OF" TF.NDEllS \\!AS CAL.Um I'Olf ON 1'11 IS PROJ EC'I', s1111-cONTW)J~'rn9'Yfr':J.''Y,1;\?./~1::,{1.?,~~~~\·-Pi~,~: 4 th ftOOf 1ulu.''/::f~1r.~:~."X't;;~\;, ~~'.;'A'"'·11H1 c u11urH1 1:111111·11. 9111~• ( 1 't 111~\~ ~;' g~~ir:i~~Jt~lfi11~NIT~ l~•~.~~ ~~~; ~;t ':,,,~'Urnni llind I1, R'l'i\Nl)ll\l ni:N,;HA'I' scnv,c cs Q11oci11~lilnd CUI• ltll',11 1:r 11trn Slil{lll Ill. l clOll(l .. l;,6.'1R1, lJ , 1;L1.~ I UIC.,\ L SElHVI cn:tl,rnd cu1tur,1I Centu, ,K) 1d'ls, 1 .rJ·sW/t-!, 1 i t!N!s'c ID. Hrb h,inc I ch.1~0, 11 IJ. I U~' All! CONDITIONING D MECHANICAi, 90RVICE8 Qucf'n~ltmd Cullur~I Centre, 5 1,,Qe 1 0 , DrlslMn• (d osu on?~~~,a~wulith\111 from Admlnu,tr,Hlt,n otncer, Cnntr,ctt Hr,111r h re F · L ( C73 l 6 ). /