Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

Art gallery design for complex is approved A FINAL design hos been approved for the construction of the art gallery in Queenslond's $47 million cultural complex in South Brisbone, D to il d plon111ng can ,,ow begrr, on th e buildrng The com plex plon nrn<J and cstab\1shment comm1ttce a pproved the dc~1gn ot a meet ing ea rl ier this week, after con– idering o report from the A rt Galle ry Trusl. T 11 ,. ,. n Ill 1111 ! l rr nrlol)INI O 111orlilJNI pl1111 fill' lltr pcrfnrrn lnl-! nn." n11clltrn·u1111. 111vnlr11u: a ChillllH' Ill t h r SCflllllf; 111'– l'flll~l'lllC'l"llS 111 OllP :-il' l!– tJon, T h ,. pl11 1111in1,:: com- m 1 t l r c 1:·linlrninn 1._ 11· On\'ld M uir• :iuld ,\'l'SlCr– (la\' 1hr llll'rtill~ !\ludl rl a rrport lrom t ill' 1wr– for m1111; urt.c., ,·0111 1111l\f'l', wl11ch t-;itld thnt. the prc:-.r.11t proposec1 srnun~ 111 thr l)rlc thea tre. 1Rl10. Wa!- u,n .rnrnll for !lhllOll· 1\I ('011\1):ll\l('S nnct lOO big f1,r locnl l'Om p;1111 "· 8lr Dn\'Id .'-:llfl I lie 1.>lnn1tlng co111mltlN' tit'· ceptC'cl tlw n•co11111w11rln· 11011 1h:1t lhfll'C should he H 111odll!crl plan 1n pro– n rlc for thrr c rl lftrrrnl 1,1•:11!111,; nrrangr111l'11ls anrl sizes. Seats 2000 This would be done mcchnnically, and would n iry lhc ~eating ca1rn.dt.y from 1000. 1400 nnd 2000. The performing nrts centre comprises a con– cert hall 111th sent.ing for 2000, a l)·ric t,heatre. which will now hnl'e three differen t seating cupncltles, as required. nm! a stucl10 ror drr1lll:\. \\llh :-.r11tin L: ror ~on, Th r- r1l'illl\H !!il !H11'1, wlll<"h lrnd n M': lm~ 1·n– pac·11r nf •Hll1 u11drr 1111 1 pi t•,·iow, plnn, will he s11ppl,•111r-11l('(I h\' two t1d– clttlo1tul rrt1f•anml roo111!-. R1r 1)11\ ld !-,Ille! llic 111ocll11rd plan w:h 1lt'– ,·rp1 r ct :1flC'r e1m:-.11l :1l1,111 with po1 c11L1al 11:-rr of lhC l'llllll)lrx. Tcnrlr r,!,. fnr Si,ll!l' 111 LIH' complex, Stmze 1D, 111\·olnm: 1hc rtl\'t'.lr~lnn of roucts nnci service.. nrc c:q1cclcd to be t·n llcd 111 AllgllSL. Slag c tA. lm-01\'111~ clearing. demolition of buildings nnd the con– struction nf a. r iver foun– tain , ls nearlnL: com– pletion. In rcarh11ess for opening by the Queen next mont h. •i . l Luxury yacht in Royal rehearsal Marlin f ishing wa y to a ,chcanal for a SJ70,000 luaury motor yacht on the Bri\hanc Rive, yc!.tcrdov in prepara– tion for the Queen's visit this month. Tlw \ ff 3 1 lllf' 1'£1 s ~,·r1rrt• [l~h \\Ill C':111'.' l h Q11cr11 n11rt Prllll'P Ph1!1p !!''1111 hr RC'L'Hl lfl 1-iOtf:'1 In Ill" ·111u1rttl C CIII\ J'{' UL :-=:-011 I Hrlf bnnC" !OI' t.hc C('l1\fl' ~ SC'A!,llll. It. in.1rlr th :!O-m11111te 1 np Yl'MC"rcln~· cnrrr111 · S 1:1tc GO\'('l'llli1f11l nffl– cin l. · tn iron out nn~• hltchr~ t h nL rn1£!1t occur. a spokesm an ~nal. T n aclcl nuthcntrclt)". Lhe n,cht ten II fin1,lll11 of H0rho111·s nnd l\Inrlnr. Dcparl mr nL bCIRL.t;, police launches nncl smn.11 crnCt,.