Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

The Courier Mail April 1 5th, 1978 DEPl 0 TY Premier (Mr. Knox) looklng o\·cr the site ot the ueensland Cultura l Centre at South Bri.•bane ye~terdni·. Thi.• ljln section ready for buildi ng Is to the west of Melbourne Street. IRISIAN[ RIVEll - ,.o,ono a::::::== • ROAOWAYI=:= \ IXISTING'-1 --=::::::::::::-----...,...,.._ "' -------.!~=:-------... ~~- . '- ~=~---~-:.-::~=-- .,: .,, .. z .. :::, 0 • ... ... ~ STANLEY ST, r---, .-=-c-c·•.....,,.,~=~- ,.. , ~ .,_ ~ 1.C,C. ,RO,ERTV I MANHhl.~ ·;~ ~~ WAr1 ···· · I "' ' ~.,: I ~ '· : : . - --- . ra;,ROX. UTE-,-NT-PR_O,_PO_S_ED..,,-~ GUY ST, , -, PERFORMING ARTS COIIPLU Centre now storm centre THE State Government may be treapan– ing on City Cauncil property with road– works for the Queentland Cultural Centre project al South Bri1bane. The Treosurer (M r. Knox ) yesterday accused the council o f trying to renege on a previous council 's promise to cede the land to the Government. HP ~i\1d It r,n'-'· RP· J)f'f\rtd the t..ou11r1I ii·ould not i:o lllr('tle'. h ..-11h th• ~•al. hil l I he roRrl\\·nrks. nlthoui;:-h p,rt or th• r:l"orhank UPA hi\ ,: d ;\l'll'ri. The l111HI. ~fR1'11ntr;,n \\';tlk. iUld thC' rl\'t~rb;,nk park arra nrRr Stanif'Y f-'rPtl. hart bPPn prnm– i~f'rl a.s a a:eM ur, to- 9,·arrt..., tht ri,re,lopment. of the culturR I rfln tr~. A t il rJ\'f'rSIC1f' prrc."i rfln!e rtnce ye~tft-rdn v :\{r, Knox ~Atd roRrl– •·orks h•d httru r. In an• tlrlpRllon of counc!l r o– ope!'allnn. The Go,·t-rnment hRcf poirr.r to resume the l•nd. but II l\'Ollld pre– ff'r tn hA , e council cn– oprra11nn. 'Little value' • ,skerl 1' ~,._• ump1 ion "°nu Id .nn1t,·e rnm– p,n~AI ,r. to rhr. coun– cil. :.1r Knox SAi~ most of the l•nd wa. or ··,ery llttl• l"Riu,: • "I •ckno..-ltdi'- th•t the As,ttfflltnt on the ~chani:e or IAnd -,.·11.s Ml formal!;• prt5ented in wrttlr-1.'' h@ said. More park "Bui It ha1 bHn un° der~lood ror ,ome yean that lhl• relltcted I he po 11 • y ot the City Cnun,11. •·Sol< II app,Rr• the council mAr ha,·e de– rldPd not to pur, ue this pnl!cy.' 1 ~Jr. Knox •a1d th• r f' ntre \l01Jid encrnArh on . .:nme npP.1: spa.,·, . hut lt,'i. r:n·era ll Ja,·out 9i·nuld re~11 lt .n nnCe M murh p a r < I a n d of beuer qualn y. Th!' <•111ntr, l'-''liJlc1 cost the s atf' Gor,rnmfnt $fl2 m tl!ton. It v.ould benefit the ell ;-. Th• l.nrd ~la•·nr 1."• dt-rman s1~fm1n ) t"allNI for dl~l'u~,tnn, with )lr. Rnnx and th• Pr•mler 1.\lr. RJ•lk•• P•l•,.•n t to ..,Ille the Js11,ue. He •• 1<1 he dirt not \\'An t It rP.!,ol,·ed b,· t?X• chR1Hre~ m the 1n;d1a. Af'CtJ~ IIH? ~tr K r.O'.'< n( "chrap.. pol:tu:•I point •ron11~." h• said prop•r rt1t1loeue wa5 nrce~~arr 011 .~\ era! m1er•p:O\'• " rnmnHal 15..\ UPS. Call tenders The Q u•ensl•nd Cul– tu ra t c,ntre Trust ch,urmar. <Sir Darld Mu!r, said tend,r, for sta~e I or th• pro1•ct ,.-ould bt called tn ,Julr . Work on a r,stau– r•nt. art galler;- and puking uea w&.1 due IAl sta.rt soon a!l,r. Ex• c a " a t I o n and p1hnr l\'Ork had SlRrl,ed. The total proJ,ct wu due for cnmpleuon lr. 1983. I\Clh the first ll\'O of ils four sta~es du• for completJon be!ort t h e 1 9 8 2 Com• monwea llh G11.me~ .