Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

A ti$Kel a tasket Casket fills arts baskets A tlaket, • tasket we've got a cultural Casket - and the arts have dipped Into the Golden Casket basket for more than $12 mll• lion In the IHI two years. Your pun& oD &be Cukd la no lon,er helPIDI bolpl&ell or n• &umecl 1enleemeD. ID• atead, &be loO& la rlo•IDI ID&o &he Cullaral Cap• lt•I Dnelopmeat Fancl. While Queenalancl la not a1mlnl to buUd a Sydne:,-st:,le opera houle, the mone:, la, neverthelea, being uaed to promote c:ultun In Ute 8unlhlne State. When the Oolden Cuket kicked of!, In 11118, the profits were used to help returned aervlcemen build ho– and find land. Later, proflta we switched to hoepltall. Then came Medlbank and Federal contrlbu• tlonll to the hospitals and the need for the Cuket's help went b:, Ute board. lo Ule TnanrJ ...,,_. ID ant, ID 11'11, &be Caltval Ca,t1al De– ye1o9a1Dt PIID• - • ••• 1n urrr.-1e, '8,115.IIG of Clllket pront went to the fund. LUt :,ear, 1918-11, the cu1tet aold auoo,ooo Uckell to bring In a pront of '8,841,111. After the Casket hu i-ld Ila ,ray, the culture vultuNll should reap In ucesa of '8 million a1atn. • Said Oolden Cull.et mana1er Mr J. M. Watll: ''Some of the Cuket profit IJ U8ed to finance the Queena– land Cultural Centre be– Ing bullt at South Brls• bane, but that la not the be all and end all of the money." Other parl5 of the profit find their wa1 to the bush, to help bulld libraries, art gallerle.1 and finance tours by concert groups and theatre companle5. The Courier April, 28th, 1978 Party chief to arts post THE National farty State executive director (Mr. Mike Evon~) hos been given a promin– ent Go vernment cultural post. ,·•-t.1 t! F \t'c· 111' r C.\1l111- 1·1! ,\1•~t,•rcti1J J 11w11w•1/ 111111 11'- 1111r Ol 10 IJl('II\• ht•r, OI lh' lli"\'lf-l'H':17r1J q 11r1•nf-l:111d I' rfor,11111e; ,\ rh 1'1'11:<I, ., 1r r,\'ll ?I 11,I~ he 'IJ :11·- 11\ 1' n, 1,('J'lOl'lllllH' ,1r1~ IOI' 1110 1'!' lhllll 10 ,·, .1 1',– n~ n Quc, 11'-lt1llrl '1 :~111 ., ,. r.. r 111npnnr pr•r- 1 r; I'm " r :111r: ;1,, !•111 - rr11,w. 1111(1 Qt1<-<'n I: no \ rh F,n, 1 ·nl f'Olllll''l111l' 'l'l1e C11ll11rr illin ,1 rr •~II' ~ rwhrr,.-1 Sllld tl1r •rn•t w\l11 ld 11d 111 n1 ·11 tltr H:it..lMIH (' 1! 1 I c.:£.!.u.D..:~ j) 1 r1,1r111111·.: ;'i'r l •Jl l ,h·\ \\'llf'll It \\11 t •mplrr,•cl, I l-.11 •·1 ,t ,,I 'I {i1 1 1l"'l • ,I i• 1' 11 ,1•:.: ; r, p111u-. 111, 1id.' t'llillrma,1 I \ \1·, r>:11w cl ~L nr,,, r111 q ,,.1,n:-JL11.d ,·, ,, , r· 11, • 1 ' 1 t , 1: I r11r ,11\;I d•~p111 · t'l1:11r11101 l:,. .\JJ'. l'ocl u·1••·• I 'I~ Q 11 r. t' J :-,l.111, l'l.e11u·c C 11 nHJ;1n r dlrfc• ,·, 11·. \. 17 Cl'i':11rd:- •, :\ !1'11:ian l1 1 ·1,,td L·11~t111~ Con m 1~• :-:l11l ;1.., j~l :lll f-li UIC 111: 1nn1.tt, r 1 ~II'. J . ~b r • , 1 1:1!!1, C11 H11rt.•. '.':11lJ01wl l'•irk,. Wllclllf,, >111<! Jle. l l"al !Oll I rp:11' 1l1f'llt (•11- Ul'<lm;,1 or 1~tr. J . T . .\In– lier• . C:.J11,J,( \1~l:111rt l.1t:l1 Opr•r,t ('urnp .ll~S I0 1 il1CJ, ,• 1 :\ Jr n ~J:·1d ''u II 11••, mu•,lel:tn <.\Jr. R. 1, 01.iwt11.•n• 1111r' 11 · tlr. 11':1 11 (''1\1'1 r