Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

,\ftlet'• ,.., ...... ef • ........ ""' . .t.111 CHtn It c,.,.,... Cel- ,••• (elo • •1l. Plan • f • r the c1wtre • w1,1 a11.._e1111cetll y11t1t4 • y Illy the ech • el ,rlHl,-1 (Miu I. K111• .... ,,. "We hape to • aw the ...._. ar • tadent (nte"'"t In • 11 the arts." she • aid. Cam,tetto • or th1 tbree••tap proJeot 1'uald ealnelde 1'11h tbe Brio• bane 1ebaot•1 rolden J•· bllee In 11111. The eentre 1'oald e • ter for • rt • and erett • ta a two-•torey klldlnr with proTlolon for art stllldloo, pottery aad sealpture. A 1peeeh aad drama b-.Jllllar woald hn • lee• tare thtatr. aad faetl– lllH for dram • worll- 1bo11£ Th I ma.,lo balldtar weuld hue teaehlnr & re A I & D d M!parat • practice raom1 an 'lln• other lneL "Caltaral 1ubJect1 are an tnter,al part or edac- 11t1on,- Ml'!" • aid. "It ,..., .. ..,11 ....,, to aim at t• rlpt Tw• tlll'J llntraae • KON! 91' the -• hlrtalJ' ,alll Jell. ~F.daeatlnllta ••t h e • n1et • a1 tlllat lell • N time ae11"1tl• wm b • u lmpenut u worll aetl•• Ille • la tH flat • r •,-