Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

FATHER and san signwriting team Ran and Russell Maare have became used to camments fram passers-by during the last week. Sc\'Crnl peo11le ha,•e askt,d them If they ure being paid for palnlln,: huge. colorful pictures on the rcnce around the Queensland Cultural Centre bulhlln,: site at South Brlslnme. 0 t h c r s ha,·e told t ht!m to correct spcllin,::– mlst.nkes In wurdM they hu, 1 c pntntccl aho,·c the pictures. "Sonu! ~11~• cume up the ulhnr day and ~aid 'you k.now, you',·c s(H'lt 11 world'' wrongly'," Rus– ~cll suld ycstcrdn~·. 'Wolde' lie ,,n/it rcrnring to ": ,0.cc \ \Tnlrlr'', the hrnd· Ing o\·rr a )l:tl11tin" of :111 Ol'l'11 fl rilll'II ,, 1111 mnri11c llfr. nut. 1•onmll'11 t-. 111111 curlnu, t!l:11h:1•.., art> rn·· t' 11 p a t i o 11 n I lrnz:1nl~ wlwn y1,11r Juh I"' n•,·r· f'llliUJ:" the Work ur < 11t•1•1uiln111I ktnchH·~ur• lt•n uncl 11rlmnr~· !<chnol t'11illlrr n nn p111wls I\\ o me! rcs high and :.! .., nwt l'C.!'- wide, When I.he joh I< l!i!IH'rl rwxt \\t't'h, series 11f 16 srleclcd paintings will hnvc been rcpeatcrt se,,eral tlme!J to cn,·er '74 pan• els. The Ed111·allon De– p11rtmcnt had chosen the pulntlngs from art ••lasst~ lhr011~hout the Stale an,I lht!lr ur– ran,:-emcnt had hecn s1111cr,·lscd h,v llrishnne urth,t Nm•JI i\lntthcws. They will rrmu ln nn the wull ror more thnn two y,•ars, 1111111 t•on– structlon at 1hc site Is flnlsh,•<i , f'o11yl11A' the originals w:i-. l'IIS,\', hut, not us murh run n:,. It looked, ltw,,t•I i,,,ald. " I'm l:Clllo~ !o>if'k uf It." A I l -11111111• ~h•rl- fra11ll'1I ~1,·11d111·t•. In ht! 11,1•,I a" 11 11 ln fornrntlu11 t·t•n lri•, \\II.., ln\\ f'r1 1 1I ln t,1 1ilur, :11 tlw f'11ll 11 ru l t 1•11 trc 1i,· r anr ,H•~tl•r• du,· mm·11l11i.:. Tltr ,•1•ut r,• will hu11.:r w:1l1 1l1i,1,1:,,·s, nrd1l• l1•f'lllrlll '1r1rn i11;C:"s u111I a mntlr l or the CflntJ)h•X. II ,,·flt hc OJH'IH'rl hy lit(• D1•11ut y ('rr•mh•r I :\tr. l\ 110.x l n11~t. war Art gallery tenders in The State Government hod received 10 tenders for up to noorly S22 mil– lion for the first building phase of the Queon1lond Cultural Cantre, tho Works Minister (Mr, Wharton) sold ye11erdoy, He snlcl tho tenders were for the nrt gallery building, I\ cnr park, rcs– tnurnnt, und n multl– purposc nuclllorlum, The nrt gnllcry should be complelctt Jn 1081. The Cultural Centre, on the Brisbone River's south bnnk, would nlso hnvc n prrformlng arts cru1tre, lhe Quccnslnnd Mu~cum, and the St-nte Library,