Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

August 4th, 1978 $19 million tender let for . ' city s new Art Gallery A QUEENSLAND company has been awarded a $19,100,000 contract to build the art gallery. BrisbRnc Rarer. Thr Works Ml111:-.11•r 1Mr. \Vhnrlnn I MUC1 ~·r s– trrrlR~' lhP. rontrnct IHHI ,:nne tn Gralrnm E,·:uu; .\· Cn. <Qld.> Pt)', J.M. lie snld 10 tenders were re• cr1red. The contrart Riso w;1~ for a ctlr 1111rk. rr~t nu– rRnl. anti .1. mult1-p11r– pose nud1torl11 111 wl\!•·h would serre the culLutllt complrx. Construrtlnn of the srt Jrnllerv 9,·m1ld be~lll tlrn-. month anrt ~hould hr flnlshrd III WRI, M 1. Wharton sold.