Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

• 1n Queensland A SPECIAL REPORT Paul de Masson or tile Australian Ballel will dance Sir Frederick Ash– ton's ballet. Pl11ns ,arc 11lso under way for Queensland'• llrat puppet festival, ot Visual arts building By DIANE BYRNE Kelvin Orove next Janu- T H E Queensland ary with eight Queens- visual arts scene has ~o~~e/uppet groups In- come a long way since In case the nonsense the days of one State techniques, ·but also to p0ems which set Brlllsh gallery struggling promote modern and hls- 1920's society 011 Its enr I , t' t d torlcal Queensland artists aeem a little hard lo a ong m an iqua e l'hrough an annual lnter– grasp ror a Brisbane quarters in Gregory sta'te ·rour. J9'10's society the program Terrace in Brisbane. In ·the private sector will also· •Include Saint- the •three -principal gal-' Saens' carnlva~ or the II ls less than 20 years ler'les are catering -to a An Im a I 8 with the since those days when II diversity of Interests; 'QUeensland Director or was possible to see a each h'as a ·separate per– senerate a tot or activity CUitural , Activities, Mr Picasso, or even a Renoir, sonallty . and ambience, on the sidelines. Kevin Siddell, reading but very little else, although 1111 are run by "The result Is we· are the Ogden Nash verses. The State 0111lery Is young directors. developing a •pool or ex- Pianist/I Pamela Page now looking forward to The Ph11lp Bacon gal- the colleRe pert, available on a free- and Max Olding will moving ·rrom Its tempor- lerles a·t New F'arm pro· Mon- , lance basis !or a lot or present the music. ary premises' In the city mote the works ol e'slab• are alao under r Queenaland's . pet festival, at ,rove next Janu– h el11ht Queens– ppet groups In• lor's experiences ensland theatre parallel the r the arts In the ., Ince the mid– In those days he ember or a group The College who made • a ttempt to run an e nd en t theatre did our dough rly, We went on ry tour and came uke ,nd that wu or us," he said. he late 'slxlles no Ill make a llvtnir heatre In Queens– Now there arc L companies for nnce like me to actlvllles splnnlng <irt , The Queensland opera to a modern $19.1 million llshed · artists - the that central generating Company misses out on gallery In the new cul- bright and •big names or core or State companies." Farcade 'but 11 has an Arts tural complex on th• the art world like Batchelor Is artl3tlc co- 'Featlval performance or south bank or the Brls• Lawrence Daws, David ordinator !or a produc- 1111 own with Oounod's bane River In 1981. ·Boyd, Ray Crooke and tlon or Facade to be per- Pauat which opens at The Institute or Modem Pro Hart. formed In the City. Hall. Her Majesty's Theatre on Arl ln Market Street, Exhlbltlons this year t(fllorrow by three or the September 30 and Bizet'• Brisbane, has brought to have Included a Douglas rou~ State companies. The Pearl Fishers on Oc- Queensland the more Dundas relrospecllve, At the same time he la tober 5 • austere and rigorous James Wlllebrant's ran• d 1rec t 1n II Sophocles' avante-garde. . tastlc Australlan land- Oedipus At Colonus ' Margareta Elkins, Beryl Under the direction ot scapes and David Boyd's be performed at the e ~~la~na~ob~~•ni?son;m John Buckley, Queens- _satirical series directed at Amphitheatre a·t Qu · present a festival 01 the landers have seen at the the "smart" gallery-goers land Unlven;lty 011 lnslltule In the past rew - Private View. tember 30. j opera concert at the months the Installations "The two require me SOIO on September 25· and sculptures by Amcrl- For th e urU feStlVal rapid gear changl . ror The Queensland O11cra can Carl Andre and Mel• Philip Bacon Is showing me," he said. "fortun- Company this year has bourne arllst Robert paintings by Jofin Co– ately the wor'il# with gone all out for Hunter. Brisbane artist ,burn, some or them re– Facadc ls not artistic or subscribers with a Joint RoberL MacPherson also lated to l'he tapestries In Interpretive but, aeelng subscription orrer with recently . exhibited 40 .Bt John's Cathedral 'this they all come on In order the Australlan Opera In works there based on a month. ·At Cln'lra House adnlrdect'taocnt.~.g In the right in ~~~;a~.11~hlf,1! ~:;~ • Che Ill at s e d map or ~tare"·o,wr1~:S rt~g.mlo~I~~ Queensland entltled, I t d d Fac11de, whlchj ls rarely Flute. Queensland Serles, Na• neg cc e ' now-su denly performed In Au'strllla, 1£ . The Queensland corn- llonal Art_ 11 Slmpllsllc discovered, H. P. Weaver• a series or nqnsense pany wlll perform three View. Hawkins. poems by Dame ~Ith SIi· operas a n,d the Austra- Al '!'he UnlV<!l'SHY or Victor Mace at Cln'lra well, with music, by WII• llan Opera C11mpnny two, Quecnsla1,d Art Museum, Road, Bowen HIiis, Is 11nm Walton , Including the llnnll sen• under the directorship of more or a fine art gallery The Q ~ e en s Iand son, BcnJamm Br lien's Nancy Underlllll, a per- with things like Chinese Theatre Comp~'y•s artls- Albert Herring. munent collection Is porcelain. Russian Icons tic dlrertor, Ian Ed· An lnterest!ng note on being hulll up around the and kellm rugs. wards, will d 1he th e C()mpany s programs Behan and Darnell col- But periinps the most verses. ls the number of private lectlons. commllLed and ndventur- T h e Q u e 1 c n 3 I and companies now sponsor- Mr;; Underhlll wants ou. ga llery In Brisbane, Theatre orcheslr11 con- Ing th • opera. . lhe ~allery to be used ns certainly one command· ducted by Oeorg Tlnlner Priva te financial sup- u 111 ratory for fine arts Ing ,a grcn.l deal or crltl• will play the music and port has ulso been strong- slu~cnls to give them a cal respect, ls the Ray lho Queensland Balli,! er than ever this YL'llr for firs• - hand acquaint- Hughes gallery at Red with J11nne , Blanch and the arts restlvnl. 1111cc wlth nrt rnuseum Hill. The gallery has its In– terstate equlvalcn't, per– haps, with Watters In l!ydney. It operates out or converted shop pre– mises and handles the brlghtesl or lhe young and modern, rrom Chris• topher Headley's ceramics and the phot.ngraphs or ' Olen O'Malley to fOl'th• ,' coming drawings and , patntlnir• produced Offl' ,. the past two yeara by I Ken WhlSIIOI\ in Perutr1a, , Catering !or a different , audience to Bacon, Mace , and Hughes Is · Verlie ·· Jllit's Town Gallery In the , city.