Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

nec.,mber, Arts Centr·e searches for a director THI lriue111 Cultural Centre' • Performing Arts Tru • t today adHrti • ed for a director, of• tari11 g $27,500 a y1 • r1olory. concert hall and theatre at the Cultural Centre. He also "111 engage artists for concert-< and theatrical performances. C"on1tructlon or the ~o mlWnn centre will •tar& nest :,rar and the dlrtt• tor .. 111 ,.ork with the State Wor.._ Departmrnt and arrhllect (l\lr. Robin GlhM>n I to en11lfa all nerd1 are met. The complex Is ID be co m p I e t e d and oper• atlonnl by 1982, "We are srarchln~ the \\'hole world !or the rlgh man," t11e Perfonmn Art• T rust chnlrmRn <~!r. Donald !llunrol said ye tcrdny, lle ,mid apart rrnm a ~alar~ nf ahout S27,!i00 the dlrrrtor would rt"rtl\' "additional hf'111•llts". AdH•rt ISC'ment~'5 l\fl• pearrd today In m:1,1nr Aust rnllnn ncwspnfl('r~. ns well ns pnpers In Ena– land, Europe, Amcrirn, Canada and New Zc:t· land, A mode' of lht: proposed cenlre New gallery staff call The new Queensland Art Gollerr, to otte11 in 1982, would not pro,ido the required ser•ice, un. 1,u stoff build-up bo9on immediot1lr, according to hu1tec1 president (Mr. Justice P, ConnollJ), In the gallt•rr s nnnuaJ report to State Parlln– ment yesterday, an ur• i;t>nt cill Q.·as made for <tart truinrng at all lei'• e!s, \fr. Justke C<'11no11·.– said cu rrrnt f:na11r1nJ rP• sr rJ..uons m:~ht stop the engagement or neces.sa.ry 1,taH. Minimum ltr. JU.\tic~ Cnnnoll.r .c.a ·d 28 . ta~r ln c!udin~ a State lihrnrian, wor'·P.d n-r the gallrrr ~ ,June 30 "It 15 estln• ,,, red H mi11• im11111 or JOO "'Ill he ,;1eedf'd for lhe new gtlJ• J~rr." he said. $19m cultural cent re job is challenge to Evans group THIS ,n,k's announl·rr11,11t lhal Grat.Am t:van• and Co , 'lid 1 Pty Ltd had """ tllf St9 t tntl · llnn fontratL for lilt maJ'lr tlr"l •t11t of th• llrbharn•• C'ullur:&1 Crntrt IA a feoalhtr In the tMlJ or 1h11 Enacan ,ub,ldlor)·. Al Jun• JO, lh~ •:nn, 1ro11p Auolratla-wld• alrudJ• had atdtrs for I~ mllllon nf ron • strattlon work , cnmpartd •Ith It? mllllon lut ytar. !ilnct I hen Iht rullural ttntrt and ;1 trrilU&lln r1111lrM't hav, braurlu \/&Ju, or "'ork In hand lo aboul $110 mllllon, 1Mn1 lht poup hrlrht pl'tJII• ,..h 1h11 yur. Tht rultural c.tntr, rnnlrMrt rail• !or th• bulldlnR ol 111 au– dllortum, u1 rall,ry, rt•t•ur•nl. !iUrrnundln l•t• incl , .. , 1 Whtn rompltltd In 19~C. II \t'IIJ lo0k ,lrnllnr lo lht mocl••I rl• turtd und •Ill l11dudr kit• mhf'r ,1.,,,. '411h a prrfllrmln.: 11 rt, rtntr,, th, ()11ttn"iluuJ :\Ju .. !1-f'Ultl ttnrl lhf Sllllf' l.lhr,-ry. Al lht oftld11I OPfnln& uf tht. proj,rt', lnformallnn rtnlrt• aen,1 th~ formal rontrart - ~lrnlnr t'f'rtmon\ r,untly, C!nttn!iland ~llnhttr for WorJ<, und lt011•– ln~. .\lr \\'hrtnn, ••td : "W• fun, crtat J~llh In Or11ti..m •:,·an, and f'o, and ttrr rontl• dtnt thtlr rrt1h,m1~nl'lhl11 .anrl Jl r o J, r I m11rrnrtmrnt wlll mra~ur, up to our up,rtatlnns MIid ~ or truly hlih ,undud," Tht hulldln~ to bt 1·1r11td nul by t ~v11.ns • ·Ill rnnt•ln 1a,100 ru m of ,cny ronrrttr and ~MIIO ru t hue !k.107 sq m or sand-blultd lln l,;h. All wall• wtll bt bar rt• lnturrtd. ,·aryt111 , .. um ~O cm to 311 rn, thl<-knt«, and •l•b• ,..Ill h.- po:4t-,,n,.tonrd to the n11Jor •H•u~. l'rt•CL•t, prr-strHstd b,.-··1, , pin an ar.-a trosslnr ~liHllr)' Sl. Splral prt-r.a•t root bfi&mM rovtr thr •altr mall, Thi..: wlll pru,·ldr a ,,ttln,: for thr 1allrr)·, "HII fuuntah1) and .... ,,r nulp– lur-t"l'I. t:naC'on m11n111nr dlrtrtor Mr A. II. Shnd utd lhl• •ttk lhat .,,,.,.. Ill or lh• proJtcl, lor \'i hlC'h •:\·:rn~ ha~ ft1ott rontrarl, ""uld bt rompttltd In 1!1111. 'l'hr uruup lnltnlfrd to ltnder for 1ht contrart for tht rtltl nr ,. lrll f'<'l. tit l'l&ld.