Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

4000 visit cultural centre site More than 4000 people hove vi1ited the new information povilion ot the 1ite of Bri1- bone'1 proposed cultural centre 1ince it • opening in Augu1t. Works .Minister, Mr. Wharton, said the cul– tural centre on the south bank of the Brisbane Rl\'er "'as now under consL-ruction. The $25,000 pnl'ilion, next to the walkw11y on the southem approach to the Victoria Bridge, is open to the public daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mr. Wharton said that apart from Queensland and interstate ,•isltors, people from sou th-rnst Asia, Europe, the United States and New Zealand had Inspected Lhc pal'i• lion. Comments had ranged from "great cultural ar– chitecture" and " best t h In g to hap!X'n to Queensland" to "Wish \\'e had a similar project,'' "ingenious" and "Wow !" He said count.less Queensland ,·1s1tors had expressed b'!'eat pride in what they considered to be a mar,·e11 ..us cultural achie ve • nt which would allurct th.im a pres– tigious stanrllng unsur– passed by s11111lar struc– tures in other States. "Many people ha,·e asked for extra copies or the special Queensland cu•:ural Cen tre brochure Nhlch is dlstribuUd at the pavUion." A fully-glazed wall on lhe pavilion enables the public to view the story of the complex which is presented by a com– bination ot audio-visual equipment, photographic murals, floor plans and a model of the complex. Mr. Wharton said the graph.c di.splay covered all four phases of the cultural centre devel – opment. "It includes the gallery, auditorium. ffS• taurant, ear park and pl:11.n bemg built at a cost of S19.1 mllllon and the o t h e r stages in– co r po r a t I n g the per– f or m Jn g arts centre, Queensland Museum and the Stnte Library.'' Preliminary construc– tion work already has started on the art gallery which ls due for com- pletion in 1981. ' He uged people lo ,·!sit the inlormation pa,·Ulon to see !or thcmsell'cs just ho\\' impressl\'e the whole de\'elopment would be.