Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

· .. r/\( )J t':ld/~; ~ . ~ . . . //tv.J· ~~/ .,,,.-,u ~ . . Arts · colnplex - I • • + • 'I t •• , ( lo ( • • • ~ ·, ~ tenders_, . ·soon , TENDERS for construction of the 11cond stage of the multi-million dollar Queensland Cultural Centre -:- the performing arts complex - would be called soon, the Works Minister (Mr. Wharton) said .yesterday. . ., He Aid work on atap one, ,a•hlch comprlaed the Queemland Art Galler;, r.taurant and audito– rium, ,eneraJly wu on IChectule. Mr. Wharton, the Dep. uty Premier and Trea– .surer <Dr. EdWardal, and the Culture Mlnlatff <Mr. Nt.W'beryl yesterday llllpected pro,reu ot the development, on • the south bank ot the Brll• bane Rh·er. They ,a-ere accom• panlect by the Queena• I an d Cultural Centre Trust chairman <Bir Da– \'ld Muir>. the.project ar• chltect <Mr. Robin Olb• 6Dnl representatives ot cultural and art or1an• laatlons, and Oovel'II• ment otclcers. Mr. Wharton aalci the performlnr arts complex ,a·ould contain a concert hall with aeatlnr tor 2000 people, and a lyric theatre with a similar capacity to cater for op. era and ballet Jlfl'fDl'lll• ance,. Plllns tor con11rucllon ot the bulldlnr would be called Jn July. Dr. Edwarcb ulcl the ,ertormJnc aria -,1es lholl.ld be oompleted Ill 11- for the l9U Com· mon wealU1 0-111 llrllbane. The first atagt. waa ex• pected. to be flnlihed by There also would be a mld•l 98l, amaller 200-aeat theatre tor experimental and re• hearsal purl)Olel, Mr. Wharton said ten• ders ,:ould be called thla month for site. plllnr work, for \\'hlch prepara. tory ,a·ork had beaun, 'Gateway' Dr. Edwards 11ld the cultural centre ,a•as the new "irateway to the Clt)'." He said the Initial budget con of the centre - 14S million at 1974 v a I u es ..:., had been allowed to escalate onJ~· With dlm:t rlMI In bllllc!• tnr cost&. Tbe ,_t -- Ii ... dentood lo be about NZ mllUon. The lnspecUon yester• day PYI a PNYiew of the outlook trom the 1pllt– level restaurant. which overlooks the river . and landscaped prdena on the bank. The restaurant will ac– commodate 120 and the adJolnlnr auditorium will seat 450. Dr. Edwards said the art lallery, with a total t Io or area ot 13.000 1quare metres. ,.-ould be one of the moat modern a n d exclttnr In the ,a·orld. i '