Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

rts centre well ahead of schedule '1'111•: $ 1!1'.1 1111ll11111 Ill':,! :-.l;q.'t ' of 1111• lJlll't'll!''llalld f i11\1•n11111·11t -. n ll111ra l 1·11111pli•x 1111 tl w H n :-.li;11w ll1\1 •r \\ Ill h,· 1·0111plt·1,•cl h\' l!IHII, w,·11 111·1111'1· 1111' ( '11111t 1111l l\\1 •a ll l1 ( i;t llll'.', ,, \\ 111 l'Hlt l.1111 'tll art 4;1111•rr rl\'l'l'.'iHlt• n •, 1illl r:1111 :i1ulll Hr1 11111 :ffflfii . nrifr11gtl1 plaz;1 wl1wl1 w1ll 111111w• ·I 1111· i.::i llt•n · a 1ul n ·:-i1a11ra111 T1•111li·r~ /11r :-.1:11. .:1• 1·,,., ,,,·re• 1·a/11•d a lur1111.,:llt :1g11 Tlw 11111 1:d lo11111lal11111:-i a r1· :tln•:uly li1 •111g la1d Klag,• l\4'11 1:-. 1·x p1•1·11·d 10 hi' 11111r1• 1•xp1•11.-..1,·,, llia11 1111• flr:-.1 pa r! :t lld \,til lll\'111\ 1 1• Ilic• 1·1111,.,ll'lll'lloll ol a JH'l'l11r111111 ~ a rt:. ·,·11ln• wl11d 1 \\'Ill 1·11111 :1111 tl1 r1·1· L111·al r1·:-. '1'111· It11rcl :-.Iag,• will ht· t lwJ. 11,·,·11s la111I Mtli2.!.'11JII a11cl 1111' l1111r1l1 Ill · Htal1· llhrar~ TIie· M1111:-.ti·r fur or s, r liart n11. said · " l 1r11gn•.-;:-. 011 111,, 1·,·111 n · wa~, 1•s1·dlc•11t w11 h 11111n• tlla 11 $f1 11111111111 l,1•111i,.: :-.pt•III cl11 r 111 g lllf• l1r:-.1 I:! llltlltlli:-. uf 1111' t'llllll'a,·1. 'TIii' s pt·rfl :t11d q11aht y ol work . 1:-. 1110s! 1·11111pil• 1111•111ary lo t.111• c·11111ra1·111r:-. a11d ard1111•1·1:-., all til wl1t1111 llan· 111 1 1'11 c·o11s,·1011s 111 wllal 1111:-. c·11111ph•x w11l 1111•a11 to<.~11t•1•11sla11tl':-. 1·11l111ral d1•v1·l11p1111'11l." Mr l\.1•\·111 Urf•1111a11, 1lw g1•n1•ral 111a11ai.:1•r ol Ura• l1a111 E\'a11s artd Co (Qld) Pt .\' Lt.cl, 1111• r1111t1·a1·lor. .-,:1111 "The· pruJ1•1·1 Ila:-. 1 • 1•1•11 a11 1111,·n•st 111g C'll:tl· lt•11g1• and is w.-11 al1t·arl ol sdu•<h1h•. '"l'h1• s111alh•r 1·0111ple•x will Ill' 11:-.1•cl as a p1lt1l. stud,\' lo 1•11MU'1• all 111111or prnlJll'IIIS llav1• lu•1·11 n •1·tilll!d lwlo n • t:wkh11g 1111' 11111·n1al l1ll111g:-. 111 llu: 111or·1• 1·11111 1lll'at.1•d 11i:1111 ~all,•ry s l nwt un•, ·Culture outlook THE $24,457,000 rontract for the Brisbane Cultural Centre's sccund stage (above) hns been awarded to a Brisbane firm. The Works Minister tMr. \Vhnr1 onl snlcl ycster• .dny the cuntract wus Ilie lurgcsL sln~lc building con- 1.m ct n.wurdcd hy the Works Deparllrnmt. He snld tJrn cortnict. wns let. to Ba.rclny Brothers to ronstrucL the Performing Aris Com1>lex of the centre. The euntplex will ltou.sc three 1hc11tres - n con– cert hull to scat ~WOO. a lyric rhcutrc to occom111odute Ull to ~000 people and n small CXJ)CrllllCllL<il theatre WILh 20U seals. The multi-lc\'l~I c·mnplcx would 11ro,·lrle ;,cco111- moch1llon for s11cclally ~ho11s a1ul R hl"lro-tn1e TC!,• taurnnt. " ( r.':l)PC tlw Prrtnrmmi:: ,\ rts tomplc'\ will hr. n1,cncd hr lnrc the W8~ Com11w1111·cailh Onmcs." ~lr. IVh• rtnn . n1<I. "T he r n11st r1u·11"n nf 1hr lm,L :,111!'.!r . the nrL ~allcry. nuditfll'lll lll, l"CSlll\lfllUL :tllrl 111' Jllll'k ~ l'Ulllllll!; IO oeltrtlulc." 'l'hc- ~1!'1 n11lho11 fll'ttt. !)rt1~r wn, tit'hrclulrc1 lnr c·omplcllo11 in mid •l!lRl. C11ntr11c1 ~ 111r two IUrll1rr Stll l,?<:'~ ('Olllnlnlllg a museum And i\ llbrnr,r l1U\'C YCL lo Uc l~l.