Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

WELCOME "Welcom• Wook," ,.,o wee k ot th1 royal tour end the confr,enr.<J ot /uu– tralion capital c•ty lnrd Mnyor1 and Town Cll'lrkJ, bo9ln1 o" Mondo y. Th,. 8 rl~h1rnr (:'., 1· Ar! Vnllcrv -a tid Mu:-i um. f'~ Lhfl F{rou nrl Rnrl lnwr r ground flnrinii; of ··11.,• Hnll rr,·r lvnrl II• rt nlsh lnK lnuohc1- l h,,. l\'f'lf'k In 11repnrnLlnn for 11., off•· c: J II i n1rntn.i: In t he Queen next. ·w r rtn,-.'-rl v A rt.rr Lhr. ni,,-nln.: ·h,• Qucon will nw.,• nin r– m cn Rnrl nt.h('r ol11r ,– r.,ord MR.ror~ In f\ri,;hntir• ror t 1,r. cnnfc:-r:,r.t> ane River trip f engogements duri"g day, _will be a morning • h , 1. . h t II get o chcinc.e to "put f- I her feet up." She ,,UI spend he = ] .mNning refaxing, l':hi1e the D ukp presr nts Jk~ or .,i •· 1 _r:h n n I d . ·, ;.nl.., Ci• ,JJ' "Th ~: 'B .~ .•. J'.1P "11, ThP. au a d.'- wr mP.. e to ) O r,g Pf'Oi ·• t~t.t' ••f'n 15 and 21 h('.I < o! p:cte O'\'ermgbL c-o~ini,ry P'X- iUons, ,, r}Cius pl ~ tt:– c.al ar th'1•1e:, .,nd u ·· .-:. .. mun ty ~ - ·,1c-r!-, T 1f Q L .-en 11 ,d DuJ.e t'"''' "" , tr.t ••· !- • b P .e a. : ~:, J•m •Ii .\'t:dr,e~da., ,;, 1 1d lf H\' .\t 12 5 pm. i.,n Fi-Me\ O:;, \)f th~ n !tHI. .. , r- 1,., Jlar .., r-mfnt~ c,f :J.te i.~lt tr1J: • Oii,f' ,, tth Lhe I • • r v1s1t rl":r- Jti'il !~ I .".d I•·""; l·,1i,r l ~ • T • or', • ,_1;n The Roya l r ,·mme \', i f> ( 'r,11· i'•'l l IOI ,, !ii f i1l\ll'rll- lll•" 1 !1111~f' I t.u u,~p.,1 1 Ooven 1111cnL Ho11•,1• ,t11 111.; 1·,~111br-r~ H-0111 ! l h i11•l1 Hulfl, 'l'nr– w v O II .:, ' 1 C \, L M1IU,11 Hoa,t. C royrh,11 • I' I \' /l 11 l?i111rl, .~! 'Le · P.t • 1' K Lune, L.'u – r:,nat 0 1, o r.ve . I L IIH \ lri \l' It f)u11ton11 ti, 1· ·•:,I, L''' H 1v 1 •r IIL;IU Hf'L'.i · .l IIO~t)1 bl.lfl ' aumlt S\\ 11n H1:-.l1'' • , 1•1•,! t!. r1,•11· 1 :111\•' , n: ...~·•111 I' '• • ' ,•"Iii Ill r, •'r :-i11 •. iJrlVt' 111~•; •·1. 1 H•ltU, - .n r 1-r ,.· "' , ,\ ·1 ·1uH. 1 · , ii \ r •, 1 llnsaune W t-lf i>t rho Quru1, 11 • l ':,I 1 1• ,1,; :, 1·1•rnft Ou ....e will trove ofl J de pu.r·..s for 1 WnWOl'~h. he f Oto e 1n 1,-Jh u on V...'cd,., ,,lov of,1S1ri ,n