Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

In reaponH to your lnviution for augge • ted name• for the Queen • land Cultural Centre and ,tha Performing Art• Complex I would like to auggeat that the fu I names of the great explofer and singer, propo1ed by Mr; David Rowbotham be given. I feel that "Matthew Flinders Place" and "Gladys Moncrieff Ccntrn' ' would ensure that the corrc:cl. identity of thcsc famous people is revealed to us and Lo ruturc generations. - Gwen Wetherell, Victoria Annue, Cbelmer. Flinders Moncrieff ' popular for centre Monday March • '1-.Jo .better am's cxcellcnl suggestions arc What better name ;than &Imply ''The. j:,,ladys 'Moncrlett Perfo(ming Arts Complex" . agppted. , , ~ · There could be no helter names to be 0 '1)!:J:J]Clualcd in this way. - John Filzroy, Wynn11m ''Jload, Narman P,.a(k, I cun think or 110 wort hier contender for the title as it speaks for itself. Surely most Quccnslandcrs would agree, and, I hope, the younger gcnr ration also. - Norrie Allan, t·ranklin Street, Annerlcy. • Two votes My husband and I completely agree with your suggested names for the cultural centre, (that makes two votes!). Besides, we think there is no one belier qualified 10 suggest suitable names for we consider your book reviews excellent, and we always agree with them. - Motlir Humphreys, Mullens Street, Hamillon. .• Fine examples My brother and I agree that Captain Matthew Flinders and Miss Gladys Moncrieff should be the suitable names for the Queensland Cultural Centre and Performing Arts Complex. Flinders is an example we can look up to who performed faithful service to Queensland and Australia, and Miss Gladys Moncrieff an example or a Quecnslander who won our lo1•r. and respect for her talent and personality. - Miss J. E. Dunlop, Eagle Heights. ' _.,,Appeal to all THE suggestion that the Performing Arts Complex of the new Queens– land Cultural Centre should be n~!fled after Gladys Moncrieff is one that should appeal 10 all @ileenslanders. : · The talc Miss Moncrieff lived as a .,.1qh)ld in hum.Ille circumstances and rose ; b~.'the sheer beauty of her voice and her . acting ability .to being a star beloved by audiences all over ~ustralia and in New · ~ land. · • . ,, •She was ,atsq acclaimed in London ;}'llfcrc sh~.sl_arrcd in musical comedy. . I'm' sure nobody will disagree with his , ,tliioking bc~ausc Gladys Moncrieff was not ~nlY, a .great artist but ·a superb .•humari being. kindly. generosity ilselr '. and •all"ay{a -~rson or great merit. - 'fnaln~ Palmer (Mrs), Ventura Road, Mermaid Beaclr, · . ~· Change tactics ' I HEARTILY support your choice of " Moncriefl Centre" as the name for the Perfo, 'Tling Arts complex. "Our Glad" to me was what "Our Gracie" was to England. Her voice was still pure and powerful right up until her death. We have a bad habit in Queensland or overlooking our locals and heaping honors on outsiders, so for nnce lei us change our tactics and give honnr .:"here it is due. - Stan Craig, Armagh Street, Clayfield. • Agree heartily • Dedicated THE suggested names of Flinders .Place and Moncriefl Centre im– mediately recall the memory of two really dedicated people. Each in their ll"'n WU)' was truly cultured, and gave or their bost. - tMrs) Frances Hughes, Dickman Strecl, Chinchilla. • Leave as they are I PREFER the names left as they are - Queensland Cultural Centre and the Performing Arts Complex. But if the majority of-people wants the names changed, then your idea or calling 1 hem the Moncrieff Centre, and Flinders Place is quite good. Definitely not Joh Bejelkc-Petcrsen place - thal would sound terrible. - G.M. Volker (Mrs), Limpool Street, Eight Mile Plains. ·• A royal touch MY SUGGESTIONS are: Queens– land Cultural Centre - Queen Elizabeth Arts Centre; Performing Arts Complex - The Prince of Wales Theatre. Centres and complexes arc nol really allrnctive names bul so many or our former theatres have been traditionally given regal names that I feel this should be continued today as a symbol of our loyally 10 the Crown. - C.t:. Daniel, Lloyd Streel, Aideriey. • Remember Cremorne I THINK "Th'e Cremorne Centre" would be an appropriate name for our Art Gallery and Performing Arts Complex. Par or ii is built over the snwdusl nooc (in the 1920s) or the Cremornc Theatre. Another alternative is "Queen Victor– ia Place." The complex nanks both sides or the Victoria Bridge, which has its own exciting history. Incidentally the statue or Queen Victoria now in Queens Park, William Street, perhaps could be made a feature, and placed in a prominent ition in the complex. - (Mrs\ lcten Lawson, Ashgrove Avenue, ,,hgrovc, • Royal Cremorne MOST of us can no doubt remember the most enjoyable matinees and shows at the Cremorne and Theatre Royal. Why not call the new cultural centre "Roya l Cremornc'"/ - Mrs C. Scholefield, Ningarin Street, Sunnybank, PLEASE: Write let ters no more than 300 words long. Shorter letters will be given preference. The writer's name and address should be included for publication. • Jackie Howe WHY not name the cultural centre after a famous Aboriginal? Why not name the centre after "Ja,kic ltowe,'' an A ustralinn "ho made his narnc in Queensland in t8i> I us the world famous shearer with the hand blades, tally 32t in seven hnyrs'/ . · A ddinitc nil tu Mathew flindcr,' name being used and never 10 Bjelkc• Petersen. - 1\1, De,.·cs, Bnlrke. Trrrace, Ascot. • ·Run smoothly RE David Rowbotham's call for a name for the performing arts complex, I respectfully suggest for the complex, "Ransome Place," and for the performing arts su~tion, " Abel Smith Area. " These appear Lo run smoothly off the tongue. Ransome was an early resident or Brisbane, and Sir Ab~I Smith was such a popular governor. - V. E, Krebs, Bridge Street, Cbelmcr.