Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

THE COURIER-MAIL - J --- - - WEDNESDAY MARCH 12 ~ y SUGGESTION for the Oueen:;– nd Cullural Ccnlre is '"The Prince , h,llp Cullural Centre." E This very " "ndcrful man has pro,ed im,elf a friend 10 all: to be of JroJI 1ngly stature: a f,1ntas11c consort 10 our cry beloved Queen and father of our f"•ll King. As for the Performina Arts Complex - yes let it be "The Gild)! '.',foncrieff Complc.."' lh,s lltlv ~>< indeed a sreat 1rc,up,:r and Quccn<1Jndor 1hrou~ and thr,•ugh. - Ruth Lines, Grunrrt Street, Holland Parl. • The 'South Bank' REGAR~ll'-;G naming Oueenslar,d CJllurat Centre and the Perlorm,ng Arts Complex: Why not identify with the locality •·S.,u1h B.,n~." Ccr1J1nlv nJmc a room or a hall Jf1er a cho,cn pcr,on or rer1on1. but - Why \lo, 1l11Jm Jullv Bridcc 1ns1eJd of Grey Street Brtd~c! \lo, h> -J.C. SIJush1er fJlls instead of ~It Coot -Iha Falls'! Why J D. S1nry Brtdse in,teJd of K•ngaroo Po,nt Bridge·! The location name! could be much more dcscnpt1\'e a.nd 1ntcrc!it1ng for us and our vtmors. - J. Pn11rr, \\b)lot- · cliffe Paradt, ScollS Point. THE COURIEh:-MAIL FRIDAY • . . r.4ARCH 14 10 . . 80 "'Our Glad" the best nominee ) HAVE before me David Rowbolh– am's rev,eN of the Cullural Centre. I think the nomincca are ideal, especially that o( "Our Glad", that really great lady of the Australian ,1a1e, and the idol of our fiahting fon:a both in Korea and New Guinea, •bo ,he felt so honored to acne in an honorary C3l)aClly. I am a Victorian •ho spends quite a lot of my time in Queensland and feel that all ilates 1hould have 1ome memorial to this great lady who •as so truly the spirit of Aumalia, and brought so much to so many. - tMnl P. Conireu, HoiiMa Street. So.t~ Yarr •, Victoria.