Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1980 Artists more important I I IS vary oncour • ging to •- Tho < oturier-Mell' • focua on the Impor– t"""• of tha • rta in the commurllty hy conrfuctlng the qua • t for • •••m• for th • n • w cultural c...-. lf·obnlary 271. I w,,11hl like 10 make one ~11~gro1ion " hirh I htlicve is impor&ant. Whatever' hr 11:arne finally adopted, rlease let it be • 1 111r1hlnA nrutrul, even mundane. I cl the centre nol become an M;l< ••·mplr con<training 1he breadlh of " ''"illr< unalertaken or inhibiting the 11 1,·.1, wh11 ;1lonc can lrnnsform the new than build • 1ngs space into something living, vital, and uciling for 1he community. It is interesling lhat lhe rtnownrd Pe1er Bmok has chosen a quarry for hi• company·, performances in Adelaide later this month. Some of the largesl performing art< cenlre• have adoplcd lhe approach I am recommending . •. lake the Lincoln Centre and the Barbican 10 name two. lly all means let us have a name with some significance 10 Queensland gcnrr– ally or hi lhc construction site. but let II not overshadow lhe all-important nrts activities both in lhe new theatre and elsewhere. Above all, encourage much ~rrater financial investment in artistic 1alcn1 both hy governments and by industry. ll i~ the dancer~, singcn, :.ctors, puppeleers, musicians, ·writers, choreo– @raphcrs, designers, composers, and directors wh,1 arc more impor1an1 than all the buil,tings wherever lhcy may be found and whatever name they rnay be called. - Bria11 Sw-y, TNI l.i111• wood, Bob Adam, 1mlre Boa,.. Syd•y. Tied to an outworn habit IT'S about lime some people in the riglll places took lhe bit belween !heir teeth and came out publicly to do somelh1ng about the ridiculous habit bi wearing ties in Queensland. Ties may be thoupht to be popular because of their e1·idcnce in the workforce but the only reason 1 have • collection of these unhealthy chokers i~ because Ihey ha1•c brcn pa rt of the terms centre ·gets a kick along Th• panl,-balH Qllftm• 1aa• Cull1&ral C•alft •u 11na a bis buo, l ,ei.nia, by a .... iii.QI m•mbrr of &he t ·a,1..a Slain Salioaal Coll.II• cU oa lb• .u11, Dr "Ward ao,,i. •bo II abo chaanua or 1110 A>.«iolian of Amm• ea.a t.'aitwnut.._ u i•• •I'd .., II will prob• &bJJ .. IKODd lD DOU la lbt warltl. "11'1 • lftll coarepl, all 1bt an• btinr 1orr1 hor. I'm reall1 w,u..a aboal ii. "I lbiDil l 'U moft to Br11baae - Uw 11 aa Htlli•r anlslil t'OIII• m • IUO,"' Dr ao~• II la Aalrolla at th• Joint 1Df'1ta11oa of lbt Stboal1 Cam• miuio • and tbe Al&I• &n ,J.ia Council •rra plnr 10 bt tallli~ IO -pit abo • I Ille Im• ,.,.....,, ot Llw • ,u la ......u... from .... -• IDl'1 KIIOOI rirbl lbNIIIIII lo WrU&l'1,• lie ..,... BII all • io • bu ta..• llim 10 far lo tbo Q,,aulud t'ain"il1, Grlln&II t:DIH"il1' &ad tM KtlriJI Groce Col• let • of ,UnDt.. Ed •• calioa, a • d lie II ta• c •• rar • d 11, .._ - lpOIUe. Bt said lllat U llril • N : 11mo ... .IOII -•u11,, lacre&Mtl. • o 414 tbo •portaan ., llaY!Dr • ..... ,.....1 .. • ca&io • r • lbtr IMa OD.17 1,e-. ' dallNd lnilll • r. •Y••~r ,..,1,.,. ... . ••, lo ... e lo'""' 11.. - Ills '" dl • llpa la . lbelr U- "1'.. 'rt .. lo,,..,.,. ...pie for flallllUIJ. • . Trsl • iar la 1111 ana pro• - '1drd IIN• • ta "1111 1111 allWt, 1oua1,111.11lft IJl'OIII•- ... plbff l • lo.-llo • .... tbtJ - lldJul IO cllu,_.. • .te•-· ·. Dr Bo,4 wU1 k ..,__ --..er al a • ed • ca•· · Uo • a • d lllr aria ,_. ltrtDt1 to bt h•ld Ill · s,...., ,... . ,.,,;i "· .. · TI-It COURIER-MAIL [~uu~rn~ to the Editor of my employmenl as i clerk for lhe last 24 years. There mu<I be plenly or people in the same situation. The banks were paccsellers on lhis is.,ue years :ipo and I have yet 10 hear a dress comolaint about these lucky lie-less workers who have oonstant contact with lhe public. Our Premier w;'ll be remembered for m:any things, but I call on him to encourage business leaders lo relax their insi<lence on tic-wearing in the clerical field, and perhaps he may be remem– bered mosl for his efforts ,n liberatin Sunny Qucensland's male, from !heir dreadful predicament. - John Andrew, "lk,n Blockit", l\tounl Collon.