Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

---~ ;c WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1980 -- 1 Edited by Dl;S PARTRIDGE ~f, ,'; · ' 2 -- THE COURIER-MAl '=-- A place to think is what • a city · needs SCULPTURES should br to reel, sit 01' play Oil , (ICCUl'dlni; to Dorothy Hartnett who hopes land outside the Queensland Cultural Centre will become n sculpture park . i\'Ir · Hnrtncu . Quecn:ilanrt Soc1c1.r of Sculptures' Lre:tsu1·e1·. , alrl busi– ness would be nsked Lo sponsor large scul1iture pieces, cosl111~ Slll!III to SIU,000. The socleL)' IVIIS prorl111·• 111g a brochure of 40 models whil'h could be useful In the park proposerl for Brisbane OIL)' Council lanrl be– side the centre. l Queenslunct Oulturul Centre de– signer. architect Mr l~ob111 Q1bso11. sntd a sculptur!7')i1rk wns nn c~ citing Idea which 1\'0ulrt fl t lctc:lil)' with his plans fo1· the centre nnd a city walkway. Restraint would hn l'C tCJ be uscrl on Ille sculptures chosen and a • "IVatc:, kept on U1c q11ul11y of d s- plays, he said. Mrs Hartnetl , who Is one or 40 society members, ho11cs her F'o1111 - taln or Tears. more Lhun five 11etrcs 1 g a , · i sl nln f the cs w, lle C lC snid Ille scult11ure reprc. entect the plnnuclc of emotion reached at the G11mcs. Mrs Hartnett wants nooks 1111d crannies In the Inner ell)' 10 have n. tree, a seat nnd n. sculpture. "I t's such a crowded ,octet)' we need places like this Just Lo sit nnd think," she snld. "These tn>es of quiet comers. In– stead of stark bullctlngs l'igln on the road, arc c\'crywhere in Europe." - TRAClil' THOMAS