Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

BIT PIITS doesn't hRve to flow up h1to tho audience nnd people aren't sit.Ling on top ol the tympnni sec• tlon. "But there are still pieces or plnsllc co,·erlni; holes In the roof." sn Id Peter. "We figure that's the responslblliW or the landlords." Peter and Russell nre con v Ince d that the thentre Is built to Inst "at lenst another JOO yenrs. With a bit or rc[urblsh– lng It could be beautiful." Russell nnd Peter re• gard the new Cultural Oen t re pesslmlsUcnlly. "If It's run like nil the other culturnl centres around the pince It won't work well. The people who run It ore gnlnq t.o be too fnr rcmo\ 1 ed from the people who work In It and use It." rnts In 1907, Ills mother live• at Jlyron Bny, Ills brother ltlck work• with him nt Iler nlnjrsty's. Russell Is a Quconslnn– dcr with n. mother who was a bit or a Jllrs Worthington. She JlUI her boy on the srnµ:o. but on the tcchnlcnl side. He hns been there ever since. Russell has been mn r• rled. Peter hasn't. He says hi:.; nnd Russell's partnership is "like a m a r r I a Ii' e. It's prett.y trnum,ttie; but It's Inst• ed." :l•!ost other people who run theatres rcgnrd Peter and nusseli wit h n cer– tain nmount or trcplctn– tion. "They dvpend on nc– countnnLs to run them," snicl Peter. "I.Jui that doesn't work. This lsn·t n nurnbcrs game. It's a gut feeling.