Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

QUEENSLAN~ 'S cultural centre will be a place of enjoy– ment for millions of people. The State Minister tor Works and HolJsing, Mr Claude w11ar1on, said this today as work continued on tl,e first two stages ol the development of the cc,mplex on the south bank ol the Brisbane River. Progress on the first two stages of the development, for wh1ch contracts worlh about $43 moll1on lrnd been lot, was sausfactory Mr Wharton sate! rt,e first stage. the Queensland Art Gallery. 1s due lor con1ple11on by the middle ol noxt year ,1nd much of its fln.11 shape ,s already eviden1 Work on the second stage, the porforrmng arts complex, began last year and Is expected 10 be com– pleted before the commen– cement of th e Com· monweallh Games Th e two remtt in lng stages of development. the Queensland Museum and the State Library, are ex– pected to be completed by 1984. .. " '.,., .. . " The complex is unique m Australia," Mr Wharton said. " Nowh e re else in Australia 1s there a centre Nhich provides tor such a range ol cultural activities as the Queensland centre will provirle. "Queenslanders can be 1ustit1ably proud of this new centre. I have no doubt that ii will prove a rlrawcard not 1ust Jor the µeople ol this and other stoics but also for v1s1tors !ram overseas.'' 11 1s a centre whi ch w ill have a popular appeal pro– v1(hng tor the enterta1n– menI of lhousands of peo– olo ano to r c u ltu n1 I pursuits,· Mr Wh ar lo n sa,d ''It 1s a centre w ith budt· 111 versatility The perl orm· mg artscomplex. tor exam– ple. will be geared to meet a vanety ot community needs." T11t1 compl ex would nou sc lhree se p a rate theatres. The concert h all w1thm 011S OUllding would provide for pr esentation of orche stral concert ~. celebnly concerls and pop concerts. II could also be used tor national or In– ternational conferences and assembl ies . Th e theatre would have a seat· ing capacity of 2000. Th e l yroc th ea tre . especially des,gnec1 to, ballet and opera performances. could also be used for musical com– edy and drama purposes. This theatre would t,ave a variable seating capaci ty compares tavourr1bly with oth er famous lyr ic theatres," Mr Wh arton sard. Mr Wharton said lhf:!' mull1-level perfor ming arts complex would also house a specially shops arcade a nd a bi s tro - typ e rc::taurant. A restaurant and an auditorium have also been incorporated in the stage I development oroject.