Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

'We're THU'3S AY, SEPTEMBE ~ 4, 1980 THE COURIER-MA IL - 3 going to liven things up here'- USE YOUR RIVER . .. that's the theme of a bundle of Ideas discussed on t he Brisbane River city reach yesterday by architect Mr Robin Gibson (left). the Lord Mayor, Alder– man Sleeman, and the Local Government Minister, Mr Hinze. The Idea, Include water sKllng on the city reach, a pede triRn walk– wa y across the Captain Cook Bridge, a restaurant and facilities for lnternntlonal cruising yacht., a t the end or Edward Street and im• proved mooring and boat launching focllltles. Mr Hinze said yesterday he ex– pected people would be water skiing this summer on the river between the Captain Cook and Vlcrorl:> Bridges, In the heart of the city. Water skllntr now, l• not per– mitted In the area. The new proposal• h a,·e come rrom a committee made up of State Government. Brisbane City Council nnd prll·ate lndustr)' bodies. It wns established in May and, 11.s final development plan is expected to go berore State Ca binet In No– rcmbcr, but Mr Hinze said ;,ester– da)' the work had been so t horough and exciting some recommendations should be acted on immediately. Speaking from the cru ise vessel Boonooroo during a n,·e hour In– spection or the river )'esterday. Mr Hinze said I-he committee had acted promptly, Identifying the needs o( Brt,banc people. "The committee's recommend• · lions nre exciting and we want to show the people we mean business when we say we are going to make the river more attractive." he said. Picture: STUART RILEY "Bont ramps could bo built under the Story Bridge. and at Montague Rond, West End. tor ski boats. Mooring facliltles and pontoons could ho established ln parkland be• tween the Victoria Bridge and the Mnrltlmc Museum. "This would activate parkland that Is under uttilsed and we could add waterslldes or playgrounfd fa. cllltlcs to create a sportltlll and rec– reation area In the city centre. With the Cultural Centre and Mnrltlme Museum, this section of riverbank wo:ild become extreme))' popular. "Another detailed plan t-he com– mittee hao prepared is tor laundry, shower. toilet and kiosk facilities at the end of Ed"ard Street for use by Interstate and international cruls• Ing ynchts. These facliltics would be topr>ed by an outdoor restaurant. "People would be attracted to thl• nren with Its International lla\'or created by visiting boats," Mr Hinze sntd. Alderman Sleeman .aid the Bris– bane City Council had given an un– written go-ahend to the Edward Street plan yesterday morning. Mr Hinze said mooring lacllllles tor cruising yacht, could be im– prored orf the end of Edward Street and the Botanic Gardens. Mr Hinze said more ambitious plans Included a permanent stage for the Wnrana Festl\'81 on the south bank or the Brisbane Rl\'er nnd an amphlthentre bullL under Victoria . Bridge with a floating stage on the rlrer. The amphitheatre Rnd floating stage could he funded ns part of the Cultural Centre project. And, maybe bridge walk ;'\fr H111zr Mid n new w11 lk– \\'AY and pOM lhl\" 3 h1i.:.eway rould he b111I nloni! thr J'l\ er bank opposite l11e Rc:a tLa Ho- • trl. Toowong r!O\\ n Coron at 10n D•lve lmkln~ wtth e:<isi ln~ nalkwnys brtwcrn \Vllllll m Jol– ly Br1d~c and the Bota nic Ga r– den:. This could hnk In \\ith " V.R lkwa:· ,rnrt hlJ.;cway n11nchccl to the Cnp111in Cool: Bndµe. The Cnptatn Cnok wa lk\\'R)' ,,·ould cnntlnuc down to the ::outh hRnk of the rh·cr, PR ~. the ~larltimc l\tusrum and nn n '1rtorta Brtdge nd l1P c ·•I· 1ura l Centre. crrall!H? A cult ur– ni inop for p ctestr ans :\! r Hinze added. \VhNl the Cnpl, 111 Cook Bnclctc "-'ns opcnrd In 10; :i, :\·! a I n R o a d Depa r m .'-po ·r,rn1c11 ~:11d I· ,, onlri t>C! lm– po~stble to attach a pt:cre;;1r11rn wnlkwa\'. The hridcc was gazetted n motorwny and pcdc!-trians were no! allowed on 1t. The spokesman si-11d ;my sus .. pcnded cage attncl1ed t.o U1e brlrl ue wo•1lct not he acsthctl• rally pleaslns. In Janun rr 19;3, more lhl>ll 2; 000 people pnid for n "once- 111-n-lifctlmc" wnlk ncros.1, the bridge belore It wa opened of. f1c1t1ll)', The tones Corner Rotary Ctu t,. to rntsc funds for the pas le Welfare Lcngue and he ub-Normal Chtldren·s As• soc1at1on, charged adults 20c and rhlldren Ille for the prlvl– icoe of R "once only" walk acros.s the brld e and back.