Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 9 : Construction of the cultural centre, 1977-1981

red • • sp1r1t .11r 11r \\l:' \t , hl)ob ,+11d ,·nllt•,.(• . )JIii of Cirl l lti h l 'lll\ r,a ,· n11tl 1 d1''1Cl11u:. hut rar loo tcw. h O\l'i~'l Ill (Jllr i..11h11rh ... - ;I]! lilt' ...r 1111{; IH'\\' . 1:11Hl,1nJ,.., 11:Hl h J'll\U • 11 ! h 11nu11 \ .ilm•, nnd 111111, 1d- 11n!l'"t11 bnel< l" u~. There nr<" 1wo ,·r n· !lll J)1)n a 1ll nrrns witllrn I lw 1n11rr It ·, pPnrl- 1ug rl"dC\'t 1 lop1111•1n - 1he nrrn nr1 !oinlmr A 1111ll' • 0 (Jl111 rc 1, 11d 8prl11'! HIii. ,\ nr tlrnrn Jr.,. ., th•111 f'SCcllr ,,c·,· 1or the hC'; 1 n, u! Olli' c·:tr. r ~pr,·rn lly 1hr 111'<'11 nr L tu 1\ nz:1.• i:-;qunrr, :-ihou:cl not hr 11c- 1·e1Hahlr . It Is 11,c ln"l 1111J>Ort lllll \i)latr lr f1 to hr df' ,·r lc.qh• rl l'III'• :e::tly In our city ro· tile rwxt. IOU : carr. A nmnhr r or .,01t11 1.i11'- hn· c hcc11 nlrcatl · propo. .:oo, :,,,0111e , c1-v 11nforllll1!lt(' lll<icecl. The lnH", proposa l prcsc11tcd by Ih e Lorri ~ln~·or of Url:,lrn nc drSC'r\'f"i c losrr ~Lud.· befori? 011~· arccptll ncr of n permanent solut.lon to t he prob– lem Is mn,1r. The select ion or :1 11 nrr h lt cct. ror the prnl)0.~:11 cun not. be lrft to the profl t-0111)' oriented clc,·cl– opr.r ll li has been th e pol\cv o f thr COlllll'll Il l lhf' l)li \ l. 'l'IW prn,IC'1:: cnll.~ for :ui nrchll 1'1Ct. wn h pro"r 11 quat1tir_.; rnr r xc.:C'llcncc. Till' 111- l'IU!ilon or nn ln1cr11ano11al h otrl in the schC'lllc mnkes ii. a project nf ,011h~ m:11:.n11 udt'. Bn 1.banc llr– :-rr r tu ha, , 1 nt leuM. one rritl ,. ~ood (1t1,tln:. 1111 r m auoniil ho1 r l. lfp1•p111l\· I 1nok n \l. ,1lk rrnm 1hr l'!I\ to ~J)rlll- 11111. It 1. likr _,,111.! 1,1 ,, rtl\ lt.'l'l'tll 1·011ntn. P 1r- 111n •.-,que 1'('1\h ui drl1~h 1111. IHI! , n _,. ,1,...i::lcrt('(1. olli hntt:.r i-. " ho!,, d tt!>trr.,; 1..1! tht•m n!nni.; na rrnw, w11Hling, up nncl nu,, n lit ree1 ... ~lllln~ therl' like 1r1~htr 11r<l h11 eh, 110L- knn\\'111~ w nt 1~ t,:olllG" tu h ltlJl><'ll to them. Thr urra 111 ,pr111klNI \\ It.I nM,·. u~h und burl office bu1lcit1H!.~ R11d unlti;, all Kppro\'ed by our Coun – i·,l. Yf"'t th:t1 I, thf"' 1110:-;t 1111por– ta11t nrr:1 w11h111 the rc.-t~h or thr 11111rr ('!Ly. What dcrrlnj1111cnL \\'Ill tnkr plo,·e 1hcrr during the 11r, t frw •:ears will nrnkc or brf"'uk thr ln°11r r r itr or Tirl!-ilmnc. :\rch11 rct urc lrns Its roots 111 llw J)ll;o,l. hilt IL I~ b11llt Ill the: prN,cnt ror th ruturn. ll I"' a morr romplex nrt. than man~· proplr rcn 111-ir. ~1fH'(' pub l!C' Ch'tCIHi( JOll 011 rur – rr111 'Arch1tcrt11r:ll Ht1pprnt11~~· 111 Ur1sbn11r will contrllrntP to– wnrd.!l lll\'O]\'ln g 1he ('0111111\lllllY Wllll nur l:IJIH ClllJ)Ol'ill'\' nrclil– tr nurr nm! will 111:t\.:f' 1hr l'Ol1\· m11111ty n hctt<'r l'l ient. 1or Its b u1lt Cll\'ll'Ollll)Ptll. ' - PH l•:n l'R\'S'fUI'.\